La Bonne Mourir Jeunes

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(Just for reference)
Quaking Aspen- trees with white, papery bark and with thick leaves that clatter in the wind. Aspen grow in clones rather than groves because a group of aspen have connecting roots.
Wallow- a pond-like body of water, that is very muddy, where animals such as bears or moose sit to cool off in the summer.
Ponderosa Pine- Pine trees with large cones that grow in dry, mountainous areas. Their needles grow in round clumps on their branches.
(Just in case anyone didn't know all of the terminology. Also, the geography in the chapter for these trees is totally wrong, but rules don't apply because of where the chapter actually takes place.)

Zero's POV

Déjà vu washed over me as I sat up on the cold, stone ground. I stared for a few moments into the darkness that surrounded me before realising that I wasn't alone; Just barely visible in the shadows, someone sat only a few feet in front of me.

"Who-who's there?" I demanded, my voice shaking.

"Be quiet and just listen," a feminine, British voice ordered.

Complying, I struggled to hear over the roar of blood in my ears. After a few seconds, I realised I wasn't listening to my own adrenaline rush, but the sound of waves crashing against cliffs in the distance.

"Do you hear it?" The person asked quietly. "That's where you have to go."

"What do you mean? Where are we?" I demanded.

"We trapped inside your mind, Zero," they answered, standing as the sky began to lighten. "And if we don't hurry, we're both going to die."

The sun began to rise at an alarming pace, illuminating the the stone cliff I sat on. In front of me stood a wild-eyed young woman wearing a Christmas sweater. Again, déjà vu invaded my senses, and I struggled to remember where I'd seen her before.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously.

She brushed a strand of curly, black hair out of her face. "I'm you, except crazier."

The Doctor's POV

Wiping tears from my face, I started out onto the snowy landscape. I wasn't surprised at all to find an Ood already standing in front of the Tardis, waiting for me.

"Welcome, Doctor," it spoke kindly. "Your song had ended, but your story carries on."

"My song ended centuries ago," I retorted quietly.

"Her song must end, as well," the Ood ignored my bitterness.

I stared at the Ood, baffled. "You know about Zero?"

"Your wife's condition has been known of for many centuries," it replied calmly.

"Zero isn't my wife," I corrected the Ood.

"You said your vows long before the wedding day," it took a step towards me. "You are married in the mind and heart."

"Our names," I whispered to myself, resisting the urge to cry again. "I asked for help, and the Tardis brought me here."

"Every song must end, Doctor," the Ood spoke carefully.

"If Zero's song ends, then she'll die," I replied forcefully.

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