Wartorn and Divided

84 4 1

Good morning,,,
So I got a concussion and can't think properly. So this chapter is trash.
Anyways, happy reading.

The Doctor's POV

With one hand supporting her growing stomach, Zero lay asleep next to me. It had only been two months since she told me, and she was already getting a "baby bump".  Of course it was unnoticeable underneath her baggy Christmas sweaters, but her jeans were starting to get a bit tight. So, she'd taken to wearing leggings instead.

Winston was ecstatic when we told him and immediately began decorating a baby room. We told him it was a bit early, and in response he insisted the room needed to be canary yellow.

I was torn from my thoughts as I felt Zero stir.

"Doctor!" She groaned as she stretched.


She rolled over so she could rest her head in my chest. "I really, really want mint ice cream."


"Hmmmm... Let's sneak into a space-cruise ship." She finally decided. "They're really fancy and we can get five-star ice cream!"

"Get dressed. I know just the place."

"Um, Doctor? This is not a cruise ship," Zero frowned as we stepped out of the Tardis. Instead, we had landed in a tunnel of some sorts.

Winston made a strange scream-like sound, and I guessed it meant that he agreed with her.

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of an explosion.

"Run for cover!" I shouted as the whole tunnel began to rumble. Zero and Winston ran to hide under an outcropping of rock as I dove into a smaller adjacent tunnel. It felt like the tunnel was going to fall in on us. And the rumbling grew louder and louder until it was completely unbearable.

Torn between trying to shield my head from falling rocks and covering my ears, I threw my arms around my head and curled up into a ball.

Then, as soon as it started, the rumbling stopped. With my ears ringing, I got up to make sure Zero and Winston we're safe and to see what happened.

But when I looked up, I found that the tunnel I had hid in was completely blocked off by a wall of rock and rubble.

"Zero!" I screamed. "Winston! Can you hear me?"

Straining my ears, I heard Winston familiar metallic voice. And then the sound of shouting and a cascade of footsteps overpowered everything else.

Then I realised the sound was not only coming from behind the blockade, but it was also echoing down the tunnel I was in. Soon, a group of soldiers had flooded around the corner. With about two dozen guns pointed at me, I raised my arms above my head.

"Please don't shoot!" I gasped. "I'm just a civilian!"

"A civilian?" The commander boomed. She was tall, muscular, and had a thick Spanish accent. "There are no civilians here!"

"I'm sorry! My wife and I accidentally-" I began.

"Your wife?" She frowned. "But you're a man! Why would she marry you?"

"Because we're in love!" I explained.

"Men have no place here!" One of the soldiers laughed. "This is a place of true warriors!"

And then I realised that they were all women. I'd heard rumours of a group of Amazon-like women who had colonised a dead planet, but I had never met them myself.

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