Acts of War

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Good morning.
First off, sorry this took so long to update. My job was really draining me both physically and mentally, and I didn't have very much energy, or time, to write. But I'm done with work for now, so updates should get more frequent.
Secondly, I finished the cover for the second book (as you can obviously see)! Do you guys like it?
Thank you!

Zero's POV

"Stop being ridiculous!" Ricky argued. "There aren't monsters in the mirrors!"

"I didn't say 'monsters in the mirrors'," I replied forcefully. "I said 'Aliens using the mirrors as doorways'!"

"Aliens aren't real!" He insisted. "You're crazy!"

I groaned exasperatedly, grabbed Ricky by the collar, and smashed our heads together. A great deal of my memories were projected into his mind, this was made evident by the sudden lack of colour in his face.

"Wh-what..." Ricky stuttered. "Ow."

"Now do you see?"

"Died! But then- you're alive!" He gasped, confusion rendering him unable to speak full sentences.

"Yes, but that's in the past," I spoke, irritation creeping into my tone. "We need to deal with what's happening now."

"Aliens are real?"


"Are Tyler and Josh dead?" He asked, his voice quivering.

"I don't know," I replied carefully. "If we hurry, we may be able to save them."

"Okay... What do we do?"

"So, the only way someone could be using all of the mirrors is if they have a way to transmit a signal that opens 'doorways' there," I rambled as Ricky sped down the highway, heading downtown. "And that means that there's a big transmitter transmitting transmissions that open little wormholes all over the city."

"Wait what?"

"There's a big- oh, never mind!" I sighed. "Is there any way someone could hide a giant transmitter-thingy in Seattle. Like a big antenna?"

"Well-" Ricky began.

"But how is it possible to hide something that big?" I cut him off.

"There is the-" He tried again.

"Wouldn't people be confused as to why there's alien technology sitting in the centre of their city?"

"The-" He started once more.


"Would you just listen to me?" He interrupted me exasperatedly.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry," I mumbled, both slightly embarrassed and amused.

"What about the Space Needle?" Ricky suggested. "It kind of looks like a radio tower and no one would suspect a thing!"

"What's the Space Needle?" I frowned.

"I'll just show you," He sighed.

Thirty minutes later, we were standing in front of the strangest building I'd ever seen on the planet Earth.

"Are you sure that building was made by a human?" I frowned.

"Well, considering the circumstances, no. I'm not quite sure." And at that, Ricky started towards the odd tower.

"So, what's the plan?" Ricky asked me as we rode the lift up the skyscraper.

"Um... Well, I- uh," I floundered. "I suppose we should try and find the people responsible for this situation and try and negotiate with them."

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