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It had been several years since Zero had had a nightmare about her miscarriage. At first, it was always present in her mind. She couldn't escape the loss and regret. But as the years went by, both her and The Doctor slowly recovered and carried on with their lives. And after countless years of adventures, mishaps, and traveling, something unexpected happened and Zero was ready to be done. She wasn't bored, and she still loved traveling with The Doctor more than anything, but she wanted something more. Zero wanted stability. So, because of her new situation, it only made sense that the old feeling were beginning to resurface.

They were drinking tea in her studio when she brought it up. After saying something along the lines of  'I don't want to travel anymore', The Doctor began to weep.

"You're leaving? What did I do?" He whispered, clinging desperately to her hand.

"No, you didn't do anything. I just need something, and I don't think you're ready to do it." She tried to explain.

"Please, don't go," he begged, his voice cracking. "I love you."

"Oh, Doctor. I love you, too." She sighed. "Please, just let me explain. I... I want to settle down-"

"Why?" He interrupted.

"Shh. I'll tell you later. Anyway, I want to settle down, but I know you're not ready. So I need you to do me a favour."

"Okay..." he says slowly and uncertainly.

"I need you to leave me somewhere. I don't care where, as long as it's safe. Go live your life. Go see the universe. And when you're ready, come and get me."

"And then what?"

"And then we can settle down together."

"But how will I go on adventures without you?" He asked, his voice almost a whine.

"Meet new people. Just don't forget me."

The Doctor was silent for several minutes, and Zero began to panic. "Is that okay?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah," he murmured, nit making eye contact. "Just please tell me why."

"I can't. Not until you come back for me."

"Why?" He asked desperately.

"Because you need to go live your life. And if I tell you now, you might not do that."


"So then you might regret it later."

For a few moments, they sat in silence; each off in their own worlds.

"When?" The Doctor asked finally.

"Today. I can't wait any longer; It's too dangerous."

He began to cry, and Zero immediately regretted what she said. Holding him, she sighed, "You act as if I'm breaking up with you! I'm still your wife, and I'll be back whenever you're ready."

"Okay," he sniffed.

"Just okay?"

"Just okay."

Zero sat on a beach somewhere on the west coast of the United States, drawing various pictures of dogs with her index finger in the sand. It was a warm, sunny day, and there was already sand between her toes.

The Doctor had left exactly forty seconds earlier when Art appeared just a few dozen meters away.

"What are you doing here?" Zero shouted across the sand.

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