Something Old, Something New, Something Barrowed, Something Blue

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Good morning.
My social life and health are currently nonexistent. Here's another trash chapter.
Happy reading!

Third Person POV

Lying on their bedroom floor, Zero and The Doctor giggled at polaroid photographs from their latest adventures.

"You look like a monkey!" She gasped through fits of laughter, holding up a photo of The Doctor.

"Give me that!" He snatched the picture from her. "Oh, you are not hanging that one up."

"What?! Of course I am! That's my favourite one," Zero protested, desperately attempting to seize the polaroid from The Doctor's grasp. But he held the photo far out of her reach, and Zero spent several minutes trying to get it back. However, the couple eventually settled on kissing rather than teasing each other. And, in the end, Zero got her way and hung the picture up in her studio.

"We should go on an adventure," Zero spoke as they admired their growing collection of photos.

"Where do you want to go?" The Doctor murmured.

"Oh, I don't care. Wherever the Tardis takes us, I suppose," she shrugged in response.

"I'll go land us somewhere," he called over his shoulder as he sauntered out of the room.

Taking one last glance at the goofy Polaroids taped all over the wall, Zero followed him.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Winston screeched as he met them in the console room.

"We don't know yet! Do you want to come?" Zero grinned in response as the Tardis began to materialise.

"Err.. I don't think he can come on this adventure," The Doctor interjected. "We've landed in a 31st century human-colonised planet."

"Why wouldn't he be able to go?" Zero frowned.

"Well, for some odd reason- you know how humans are- A human colony that settled in a neighbouring galaxy reverted back to medieval culture for a few centuries. They forgot all of their previous knowledge of science and basically had to start from scratch. So, only certain people have their rights and they might start a war if Winston is even seen."

"So, I'm guessing women's rights isn't even a thing?" Zero put her hands on her hips.

"Sadly, no," The Doctor sighed. "So, we're going to disguise you as a boy!"

"Why don't we just go somewhere else?"

"Oh, come on! It will be fun!" He insisted.

"Fine," Zero replied begrudgingly. And, in no time she looked like a medieval-teenage boy.

"Okay! So, I guess we'll say that you're my apprentice!" The Doctor clapped his hands cheerfully.

"Okay, but what about my voice?" Zero asked as she adjusted the cap that hid her unruly curls.

"Oh.. Well, we'll just say that you're mute!"

"Oh boy," she rolled her eyes as they stepped out of the Tardis onto the marshy terrain.

"Okay! So, we should come across a castle or something if we walk-" The Doctor pointed north."-that way."

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