Glowing Futures, Creatures, and Eyes.

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Zero's POV

"I knew you two weren't human!" Andrew shouted triumphantly.

"Keep your voice down!" The Doctor shushed him.

It was surprising how well Andrew took it. We told him the truth about the lights, us, and then our plan, and he just accepted it and moved on. But after going what he went through, it really shouldn't have been surprising. And when he found out what the lights really were and why he saw them, he was so relieved he almost cried.

"So you two are here to make the space-mite-light-things go away?"

"That's the idea," The Doctor spoke as he ran his hand through his hair.


"Well." A smile crept onto my face. "That's where you come in."

With a jar in one hand and a scanner in the other I made my way towards my office. This was the easy part- the real challenge was sneaking Andrew out of his room without getting caught. Humans are amazing creatures, but sometimes they can be difficult and just get in the way. The last thing we needed was a nurse catching us. It would only make things worse for Andrew.

The second challenge we could run into would be problems with the scanner. It was designed to pick up all life forms- even ones not visible to the naked eye. But if it malfunctions at all- and considering it belonged to The Doctor that was very likely- we might not actually be able to catch a space mite. However, if everything went as planned with The Doctor and Andrew we wouldn't really need the scanner.

But the combination of being cooped up in the hospital and all the medications they forced Andrew to take would make someone go crazy. So could I really have complete faith in him?

No. I don't think I can. But he doesn't need to know that. It would only make things more difficult.

I shook the thoughts from my head and set the jar on my desk. Keeping a positive attitude was just as important as actually catching one of the space mites. And it was probably a good idea to start up the scanner and make sure everything was running smoothly before the boys got there...

The Doctor's POV

"Why are you doing laundry duty at 2 a.m.?" The nurse- I think her name was Alexa- demanded. With her arms folded across her chest, she gave me an accusatory glare.

"Oh-er...." I struggled. "There was nothing else to do!"

"Nothing else to do?" Her glare grew harsher.

I could feel Andrew shift his weight underneath the piles of dirty linen in the laundry cart. "It's been pretty quiet tonight," I improvised, "I figured I could use this time to get some chores done!"

"Doctor," she growled. "In this hospital we are very strict about keeping an organised schedule."

"Oh-um... I wasn't aware."

"You weren't aware?" Her face turned crimson with anger. "You've been working here for three weeks!"

"Uh.. Yeah.. Sorry about that."

"Sorry 'bout that?" She squealed exasperatedly while mocking my accent. "The audacity!"

"Um... I really should get going," I tried to escape.

"No, you aren't. I'm going to have to search your cart. And then I need you to come to the front desk so I can write you up!"

"Write me up? For what? Doing laundry?"

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