Through the Looking Glass

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Good morning...
So, I've decided to base this chapter off of one of my favourite DW episodes. See if you can guess which episode it is, and the first person to get it right will get a prize (probably spoilers or a character). (You need to know the name of the episode.)
Happy reading!

The Doctor's POV

Still wearing Azzedine's green knitted Christmas sweater, Zero sat on the kitchen counter. In one hand she held a gallon jug of milk, and in the other she held a copy of Shakespeare's 'Midsummer Night's Dream'. Except the book was upside down and Zero's eyes had been glazed over for the past hour.

"What are you doing?" I finally sighed.

"Reading," she mumbled.

"No... No, you aren't."

"You're right," she set the book down, marking her page even though she hadn't actually read anything. "I was actually thinking about how cool it would be if we went to Rome and saw the sculptures!" Zero hopped off of the counter and stood right in front of me. And if she wasn't almost a head shorter than me, our noses would have almost been touching. "You should kiss me," she said in a very unromantic manner.

"No." She was so incredibly eccentric. Not that I wasn't, but my erratic behaviour was primarily a facade. Zero had no regrets, she didn't actually fight in the Time War. Her personality changed with her body, and now she was increasingly chaotic.

"Excuse me, what?" She frowned.

"I'm not going to kiss you until you eat something," I replied firmly.

She pointed at the jug of milk exasperatedly.

"That's not food." I crossed my arms. "You haven't eaten since before you regenerated. Usually, after a regeneration, a Timelord sleeps a very long time and eats almost as much. You haven't done either."

"That's not fair!" Zero protested.

"I don't care," I replied. "My top priority is your health and safety."

"You are an awful boyfriend," she grumbled.

"I am a great boyfriend," I argued. "And we need to get you some shoes."

"Shoes aren't cool! Let's get spaghetti instead," Zero suggested while tugging at my blazer.

"Nineteenth century Rome?" I suggested.

"Let's go after they cleaned the Sistine Chapel," She said as she started towards the console room.

"Let's just go to the twenty first century. Then you won't have to put on a dress!" I laughed as I followed her.

"A dress is not a Christmas sweater," Zero mumbled as she fiddled with an earpiece that had been sitting on the console with the rest of clutter. "And that is not cool!"

"You sound just like me!" I snorted.

"Well after being stuck in bed, listening to you ramble on about bow ties and stuff, it would be expected that I sound like you!" She put the earpiece on. "Is this connected to the Tardis?"

"Yup!" I replied as I leaned over and set the coordinates.

"How do I turn it on?" Zero flopped down in the pilot chair as we began to dematerialise. "I want to be a spy!"

"Who are you going to spy on?"

"The ducks!" Zero shouted over her shoulder as she ran out of the console room. She returned moment later with her sonic screwdriver in hand. "Everyone knows that ducks are up to something!"

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