Two: Stalking

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~Third Person~

Hoseok quickly hid himself behind a wall in some damn club, hell, so he wouldn't get caught.

He starts worrying that the fallen angel, demon to Hoseok, would be able to sense his presence.

He was able to track him down and has been following the blonde around.

"There you are you bastard!" A deep voice rings out, making Hoseok freeze in place.

Until he realizes they aren't speaking about him.

"Haha hey! I'm here and that's all that matters." Another deep voice says to the other.

"Seriously though I've been waiting an eternity. I would kill you, V, if you weren't so sexy." The other purrs, making Hoseok want to gag.

"My dark Lord is this how you always talk to your subjects?" V teases.

Hoseok pokes his head out to look at the two.
His mouth falls when he realizes V is speaking to ... Namjoon, the dark lord.

The true strength of his powers are unknown. Some say holy arrows don't do much unless they strike his heart. He's like a zombie and vampire. Immortal like the good lord but only to a degree.

A better name for him would be Satan.

He used to be one of the Lord's favorite angels but he caved to temptations and found destruction amusing.

Hoseok wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who corrupted V.

Probably showed him the "fun" in being reckless.

Probably showed him the "pleasure" in acts with other men.

Probably showed him the "thrill" in destruction and murder.

Hoseok's frown deepens and he grows more disgusted with all the possibilities.

He was being too careless and accidentally stumbled alerting his "friends" of his presence.

"Oh sugar honey ice tea!" Hoseok squeaks when they look at him.

In a flash the angel is rushing through the building, his feet barely touching the floor as his pretty wings flap behind him.

He can hear and feel the other two chasing him.

He sees the exits right ahead.

Just as he's almost home free, a blonde blue eyed boy lands in front of him.

His big black wings settle behind him and he looks at the now frightened Hoseok with amusement.

A smirk takes up most of his flawless face, making the doll like demon seem wicked.

"Well isn't this lovely? Look dark fuck, daddy sent us a gift!" V says to Namjoon clapping his hands.

"I can see that. I've been in hell for a while so forgive me for not knowing your name." Namjoon says a little too close to Hoseok for comfort.

"I'm guessing by the arrows this is J-hope? Wow one of daddy's good little boys? What are you doing here? Spying?" V purrs, making Hoseok shiver.

"Curious maybe?" Namjoon asks.

Hoseok can't reveal why he's really here so he nods his head and spaces himself from Namjoon.

"Oh? Well I'd never turn away a curious cat. Come in cutie." The devil purrs, pulling the angel by his hand back into the dark club.

"I don't know Joon. What are you gonna tell daddy when you get back? Huh goody two shoes?" V says, skeptical of the angel.

Hoseok looks at him with his big orbs and smiles a little.

"That I'm spying on you." He says, making the dark Lord crack up.

ANGELS & DEMONS: VHOPEWhere stories live. Discover now