Eight: Loser

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"Since you've lost, you owe something." The devil says, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

Hoseok lets out a groan as he once again returns to the club with his angel friend in tow. He only has five days left until he has to either return with the fallen angel or execute him.

They make it to the back and they enter but the room is empty so the younger looks around curiously.

"Be careful." Hoseok warns, turning around and waiting for the others at the door. "If you do something stupid I'm telling Suga." The angel warns again, and younger actually rolls his eyes.

"He'll freak if he knew you let me hang out with the devil." Jungkook says, with a giggle.

"These two are dangerous... please don't forget the Lord's words." Hoseok says, making the younger sigh.

Jungkook's curiosity grew as he looked around more and more.

He glanced back over at the coffee table and noticed something different. A wine glass filled with a green liquid sparkles and catches his dark orbs.

Why does this liquid look so delicious? It wouldn't hurt to take a sip, right?

He takes the glass in a shaky hand, bringing it up to nose. It smells of strong alcohol, making his nose twitch. Well they have wine at church, don't they?

He slowly brings the glass to his lips tilting it ever so slightly.

"Oh hey Hoseok! Sorry- OH MY FUCKING DARK FUCK JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung screams, smacking the wine glass out of the angel's hand. Hoseok rushes over, ready to yell at the boy for being so stupid and reckless.

They were too late.

Almost immediately the boy starts seizing. He crumples over on the floor and starts throwing up a black tar-like substance.

"JUNGKOOK!" Hoseok freaks out, trying to help the sick boy. V looks at him, horrified. The demon racks his brain on ways to save the young angel from damnation.

"Repent! Make him confess!" V says, making J-hope look at him with scared watery eyes. The archangel breathes in, closes his eyes tightly, and places a now glowing hand on the younger's head.

"Jungkook, as a higher up and archangel I command you to confess your sins." The angel demands, the boy under his hand just screams and shakes. Hoseok can feel his whole body convulsing as he tries his hardest to get a confession.

"It's no use." A deep voice, belonging to Satan interrupts them. "He's given into temptation. He's chosen to rely on me." The dark Lord says, approaching the pair.

Hoseok opens his golden eyes, glaring at the devil. "Stay back! I'll save him!" The angel warns, making the dark Lord scoff.

"You're killing him. Look." Satan says, and Hoseok looks at the angel before him.

Jungkook's eyes are almost white, his hair frazzled, black tar drips out of his mouth along with painful screams, and his skin is cracking and pale. The once beautiful deer like angel looks like a monster straight out of a horror movie.

"Let me save him." Namjoon says. "No! I c-can save h-him!" Hoseok cries, golden tears falling.

Jungkook cries out more in his hold, his eyes rolling back.

"LET ME SAVE HIM!" Namjoon yells and V holds Hoseok back.

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