Seven: Ignoring

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Hoseok felt hollow as he dragged the resisting and absolutely frightened angel along with him.

It was unbelievable that God completely ignored him and the huge problem.

"My Lord! This is serious! I can't just bring him there. What if he becomes corrupt? You yourself said he has a weak mind. I can't save both him and Taehyung!" The distraught angel cries.

"My son, I'm disappointed in your lack of confidence. If you can save Taehyung, you can save Jungkook too. It's unlikely he'll purposely commit sin. You still have 6 days left. Good luck."

Like what in the Jiminnie crickets is that kind of advice?

Hoseok pulls the younger with him to the back room of the club and two sinister gazes burn through the angels.

"I knew you'd listen. Such a good boy!" The dark Lord says, throwing an arm around the archangel.

"Would you like to play pool Jungkook?" The dark Lord asks, giving the young angel a smirk.

The younger looks at Hoseok for answers.

"Come on Jungkookie, lets play pool." Hoseok says, offering the younger heart shaped smile.

V freezes seeing the smile that the archangel offers the younger.

A sense of Jealousy over comes the demon and frowns, pulling Hoseok to his side.

"He's on my team. The little bunny fuck is on yours." V says to the dark Lord, receiving a knowing smile from the devil. Jungkook's eyes widen to the side of saucers, glancing apprehensively at Satan.

Hoseok hits the demon's arm.

"Don't call him that or swear around him. It would make more sense if it was angels vs devils, don't you think?" Hoseok says, trying to convince the demon for Jungkook's sake.

"Nope. After all I don't think we're enemies at all. Even if you tried, there wouldn't be much of a fight with me here." The dark Lord says, smirking as he hands Jungkook a red stick and the other team black ones.

"I... never p-played before.." Jungkook whispers, making the dark Lord's mouth turn up. He catches the younger off guard by messing his hair affectionately. "Don't worry, I'm a beast. Just relax and rely on me." The devil says, smiling when the younger nods nervously.

Hoseok frowns hearing double meaning in the dark lord's words. As if his thoughts were right, Satan meets his eyes with his cat-like ones and smiles.

"You aren't even mediocre. You're just a cheat." V says, lightening up the tension which is unusual for a demon.

Satan laughs and sets up the numbered balls in their triangle formation. "We'll see kid." The dark Lord challenges, his eyes flashing with an unnatural greenish yellow.

"Your team first. We're stripped. You are solids." The devil says and V groans. "Why do you get to be-"

"We are stripped. You are solids. I'm letting you go first. Don't act like a spoiled child." The devils says, glaring at the younger.

Hoseok has to look away to hold in his laughter. Is he seriously enjoying their banter?

"Start now." The dark Lord commands, and they play.

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