Three: Distrust

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~Third Person~

Hoseok almost throws up as he enters the forsaken club again, searching for his "friend".

J-hope finds the demon in the lounge.

As soon as hears the angel enter V looks up with a smirk and clear sense of distrust on his features.

"Hi daddy's boy." He greets, patting the couch as he drinks his green alcohol.

Hoseok walks over, sitting next to the demon and freezes when his arm is thrown around him.

"You know you do smell heavenly and you look like an angel but I don't trust you at all. Why are you really here?" V breathes out on Hoseok's neck.

Hoseok sighs loudly knowing he can't lie and that the other isn't fooled by him.

"I'm archangel J-hope." He says and V snickers.

"I know dumbass. Everyone knows who you are. Even low class angels like me knew who you were." He says, his usual smirk playing on his lips.

"Please refrain from bad language in my presence." Hoseok says, making the other laugh harder.

"Shit, damn, damnnnnnnnn, ass, asshole, asshat, cunt, shithead, shitstick, fuck, fuckstick, fuck fuck, ass fuck, motherfuckers, cocks, fucking your tight little ass with my extra long co-"

"OH MY GOSH! Please stop or I'm telling you nothing." Hoseok screeches, putting his hand over the demon's mouth.

"Ewww!" He squeaks when V licks his hand.

"Mmm you sure do taste sweet." V teases, wiggling his his eyebrows suggestively.


"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" V's deep voice booms as storms of hatred and anger brew in his unnatural eyes.

He's standing up out his seat, his mouth set in a scary grimace.

His complete 360 change in attitude left Hoseok terrified.

"I'm sorry V-" His apology was unheard as the angered demon started rampaging.

He threw his glass of absinthe at the wall shattering the glass as green liquid sprayed everywhere.

He flipped the table in front of them, sending bottle of alcohol and ashtrays flying. It seems like he hardly touched anything as things go flying by themselves.

Does he have telekinetic powers?

"V! V please please calm down! I'm sorry!" Hoseok pleads, trying to calm the upset demon.

V whirls around, his face inches from the angels.

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Sorry never does!" He yells in his face.

"Yes it is does! If you truly mean-"

"No one ever truly means it! Words don't mean shit don't you get that! Everyone's a liar! I've been told sorry my whole life! Don't you dare-"Hoseok's almost in tears unsure of what to do.

He wraps his arms around the demon cutting off his speech.

"I'm actually sorry. I didn't know you don't like that name. I'll call you V. I'll tell you the truth, okay? I'm an angel after all..." Hoseok trails off.

The demon just nods his head apprehensively, letting the angel hug him.

Something about his hugs felt warm and familiar... like a home he never had...

ANGELS & DEMONS: VHOPEWhere stories live. Discover now