Five: Changing

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Hoseok groans as he thinks back to his conversation with the god.

"Please Lord, I'm faithful to you but I can not get through to that demon. He's vulgar." Hoseok says, apologetically bowing his head.

"If you can't get through to him then execute him now. No matter what I asked this of you and you accepted." The lord says, looking at the surprised angel.

Hoseok looks like he debates with himself and he nods his head.

He won't let V down. He'll get him to cave by the tenth day.

"Ugh." Hoseok groans as he enters the back room of the club.

"Haha you seem grumpy today. What's wrong daddy's boy, annoyed with me already?" The demon asks, his usual smirk on his face.

"Not the time V." Hoseok says, his face set in determination.

"I'm not here to play around anymore. I need to take you back in 7 days or less." Hoseok says, his tone completely serious.

"Ah what happens if you don't? You get punished?" V asks, wiggling his brows.

No I'll be okay. Well no I won't because I failed you. You dying will be my punishment. And I'll for some reason.. feel bad...

Hoseok thinks to himself.

"Yes, something like that." The angel answers, his expression somber.

"Uhh don't look all sad like that. It's annoying. I'm not going back with you but while you're with me why not have some fun?!" V says, smiling a grin way too cute for his wicked face and ways.

"Uh sure?" Hoseok agrees, hoping this will be a way to crack him.

"Come on." He says, pulling Hoseok out into the club area.

The archangel grimaces looking around at the people and the stage.

Men and women dressed in fishnets and thongs hump silver poles, licking them with their dirty tongues.

Sweaty lustful bodies are at all sides of the angel.

People or maybe demons in disguise are grinding and groping on each other like no tomorrow.

Saying Hoseok felt "uncomfortable" or "out of place" is an understatement.

A woman to the left of him shakes her titties, almost wacking him in the eye with her nipple tassels.

"Haha watch out there daddy's boy." V teases, pulling the angel out danger quickly.

He pulls the older to the center of the dance floor where he charms some people to make way for them.

"Lets dance baby." V purrs, his eyes unnatural blue eyes glow turning them almost white.
He starts dancing with the stiff angel.

"Relax." He purrs, spinning Hoseok around.
Hoseok comes to a stop after the spin almost giggling at the way the air felt swishing around him.

He starts letting go and letting the demon show him some moves before showcasing his own.

"Lets get a drink Hyung!" V almost shouts like an excited five year old.

Hoseok blinks at what the younger called him.

Hyung? He... what? Why does that feel...

The angel shook his head, trying to ignore the words.

"Oh hello dark fuck! Who's this sexy coconut?!" V says, making Hoseok turn his attention to the person next to the devil at the bar.


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