Fourteen: Reunion

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"You just swore!" Jungkook says, surprised

"So what! I remember my human life!" Hoseok yells, his tears streaming. His tear streaked face turns to the confused and astonished demon.

"I was his boyfriend." Hoseok says bluntly. Jungkook pretends to gasp and Namjoon snorts. Hoseok glares at them confused.

"What?!" He asks, lost at their reaction.

"I've known that for a while. I was Jin's right hand man remember? Only you two didn't know. I know the reason your here Hoseok. I've known all along." Namjoon says, blowing the angel away.

"Now lets let the couple have a reunion, shall we?" He questions Jungkook who nods. As soon as they leave the room V is next to Hoseok.

He pulls the angel into an embrace and Hoseok lets out a cry. They fall slowly to the floor as a rush over emotion overwhelms them.

Their touch and hold feels different now that they remember each other. They realize how badly they've missed each other. Even if they died their love didn't.

It might have been gay but it was real. It was beautiful and it was painful.

"I c-can't believe it was you this w-whole time." Taehyung cries, his hands fisting the older's shirt.

The image of a still young Hoseok laying on floor makes his sob.

"I can't b-believe I could forget y-you." Hoseok whimpers.

He pulls back using his hands to wipe the demons tears and push his hair back. He looks just like the boy but with blonde hair and ice eyes.

Before Hoseok can even register what's happening Taehyung cups his face with a large hand. He pulls the older's lips to his.

Hoseok's filled with butterflies as the memory of their first kiss surfaces and replays in his head. He kisses the younger deeper, not giving a shit what he's supposed to be or do.

Taehyung's hand grips Hoseok's hair as he sucks on the older's lip. The angel opens his mouth and allows the demon's tongue to slip in.

They pull back to pant even if they don't need air. They've never felt so human in so long.

"Let me show you pleasures you'll never find in heaven." Taehyung says, gripping the older's chin.

Hoseok nods fervently without even second guessing himself.

Suddenly the angel convulses and turns pale. "NO HOBI!" Taehyung screams, holding him tightly as his body seizes.

The demon starts crying as the angel throws up the black ink and starts groaning in pain. He calls out and looks around for Namjoon but he's nowhere.

Taehyung breathes in heavily and cleans off the scary looking angel. "May the dark Lord help me." V says, before doing his best to summon his dark powers.

The room grows cold and dim as the demon's eyes glow. He inches himself closer and presses his lips against the angels.

He doesn't dare stop the kiss. He will save the angel even if it means he'll become a demon too...

Angel or demon, he'll always be his Hobi...

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