Twelve: Forgiveness

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"Try this."

"Am I going to convulse and throw up black stuff?"

"No you centaur, it's just grapes!"

"Okay jeez, don't be mean."

"You guys look like a couple." Jungkook says, wiggling his brows. J-hope fake gags and V hits him.

"You'd loveeeeee to be in relationship with a sexy beast like me." The demon teases.

"Ha ha sure!" J-hope says, making Jungkook laugh.

"Soon you guys will be fucking-"

"OH MY JUNGKOOK LANGUAGE! How do you even know what that is?!?" Hoseok screeches, making V chuckle.

"Namjoon Hyung and I are a thing. I was about as straight as circle. I was such a fuckboy in my past-"

"Okay okay! I don't need details! Please I'm tying to keep my purity." Hoseok says, making the fallen angel snort.

"You were also gay-" Namjoon cuts off his words with a hand on his mouth and luckily Hoseok heard nothing.

What does that mean? Do they know something?

"Speaking of fucking..." Namjoon purrs, making Jungkook smirk.

"I SEE AND HEAR NOTHING!" Hoseok yells covering his ears and shutting his eyes. V laughs at the angel's cuteness.

The devil leads the demon out of the room, leaving V and J-hope alone to eat their grapes.

"So..." J-hope says.

"So? Haha is there something you'd like to do?" V says, wiggling his brows.

Hoseok gags at the suggestive look and continues to shove grapes in his mouth.

"There is something I'd like to talk about." The angel says, making the demon frown.

"I'm not going with you to heaven." V says bluntly and Hoseok glares. "I wasn't even going to ask that you sinful lemon." He insults, making the younger choke on a grape.

"So sinful l-lemon?!?" V laughs and J-hope hits him embarrassed.

"Stop making fun of me. Will you just answer a dang question for me?" The angel says, making the demon smile at how "tough" he's trying to be.

"It depends what is the question." V answers making Hoseok frown.

"Pinky promise you won't get mad." The older says, holding out his pinkie and it takes everything in the demon not to jump on the angel.

"I p-promise." He says, suppressing a smile as he links his pinkie with the older's.

"Well... the Lord said you committed... murder... I'd like to know why..." Hoseok says, a bit nervous of the younger's blank expression.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to!" Hoseok says, biting his lip.

V watches him through his ice blue eyes and sighs after a minute.

"I killed a human. He was a terrible human but I killed him." He says finally, making Hoseok's eyes widen.

"Why???" He asks, looking almost disappointed.

"Well if you ask daddy, he'll say it did it for revenge. I was just doing what I was... assigned to do. That man is responsible for ending my life." V answers, murmuring to himself.

"V that was your past life! You are supposed to move on!" Hoseok almost yells. V narrows his ice eyes.

"How am I supposed to move on if 'the good Lord'," V uses quotes teasingly, "assigned me to be my sister's guardian angel and the man I killed is her husband!" This new info silences the older.

"I had to watch that motherfucker beat her! He took away my life and even my boyfriend's but the lord made me forget him! The only person who made me happy and I can't remember their name..." V says, storming off to the dark fuck knows where.

"I'm... sorry..."

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