Six: Failing

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"WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Jungkook yells back, startled to see his higher up at some shady ass club. He didn't exactly enter by choice.

"I'M-" Hoseok cuts himself off, sensing the dark Lord's stare on him. He was going to say working but that raise Namjoon's suspicions.

He can face V easily. He has no chance against the dark lord if his arrows don't work and hitting a moving target in the heart is quite difficult. "Don't question your higher up. You know better. Now answer me." Hoseok demands.

"Well I kind of ran into some problems with some demons. I won but I was injured. Rap Monster Sunbae helped me." The young angel says, confused at the fear and concern in Hoseok's eyes.

"Rap Monster Sunbae?" The archangel questions and V laughs.

"Yeah that's dark fuck's nickname." V answers, making Jungkook grimace.

"Rap Monster Sunbae, your friend has a bad mouth. He won't be able to go to heaven." Jungkook frowns when the dark Lord laughs.

"Jungkook come on it's time to go. You aren't allowed back here. Do you understand?" Hoseok says, staring straight into the younger's big doe orbs.

"Wow you're just going to go after I saved you? Not even a thank you?" Namjoon teases, playing with the young angel as he swishes around his absinthe.

V sits next to him, his usual smirk playing on his lips as he watches the scene unfold.

"Oh thank you Sunbae. If you ever need-" Before the boy can even finish his sentence Hoseok covers his mouth.

"Stop playing with him." Hoseok says, his gaze cold as he looks at Namjoon.

"Fine." The dark lord says, raising his hands up in surrender.

He extends a hand forward for Jungkook to shake. At Hoseok's dismay the trusting boy does.

"Hello Angel, I'm Satan." The dark lord says, flashing a wicked smile at the now shook boy.

"You a-are..." Jungkook whispers, his big doe eyes almost popping out his head.

V laughs at the young angels expression.

Hoseok protectively pulls the younger behind him.

"I believe I did something for that angel. That means he owes me something." The dark lord says, his smile sinister.

"He didn't know who you were. He's too young to remember you. You lied to him so the promise is invalid-"

Hoseok is cut off by the dark lord throwing his glass to the floor and slamming his hand against the bar.

The archangel doesn't move a muscle on the outside but inside he's absolutely terrified.

"Bullshit! Who do you think you're speaking to?" The dark lord snaps.

He grabs Hoseok's face aggressively, making Jungkook whimper behind him.

"Hey dark fuck.. you're going a bit far-"
The dark lord shuts up the demon with one look.

"Listen here Angel. If you plan on returning, you better bring that other boy with your holy ass. If you come back by yourself, I'll kill you. If you try not to come back at all...

...I'll find you. I'll torture you. I'll fuck you. And I'll kill you. Understand?!" He says, strange threatening look in his eyes.

Yet when he turns to the frightened Jungkook his smile is of pure friendliness.

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