Four: Truth

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~Third Person~

"I was assigned by the Lord to bring you back to heaven." Hoseok says.

The younger demon just stares back at the angel completely unsurprised.

"Oh so he sent you to take me back so I can be tortured? Tell Jin I'm busy." V says, rolling his eyes.

Hoseok gasps and hits the younger's arm.

"First all no it's for your repentance and secondly how dare you address the Lord so casually." He scolds.

V laughs and rubs his arm.

"Hey you're a bit violent for an angel. And Jinnie is just salty I prefer the dark fuck over him. He liked having a poor boy as a pet is all." He says, looking a little rejected.

Hoseok frowns.

"There's a difference between angry violence and discipline. And you were poor as a human not as an angel. Those are two different lives V. You have to forgive and forget." Hoseok says, making V frown.

"I can't forget even if I tried. And why forgive when the person doesn't deserve it?" V responds.

"Sometimes forgiveness isn't for the person receiving it but for the giver so that they can let go of sorrow." Hoseok says, smiling a little.

"Well..." V starts, pulling out and lighting a cigarette, "what if I deserve the sorrow? I don't deserve peace." He says, taking a drag.

Hoseok coughs when the demon blows the smoke in his face.

"Gross." The angel says, fanning the air and making V laugh.

"Everyone deserves peace even you." Hoseok says so sincerely it makes Taehyung groan.

"Could you quit being so adorable and good for like five seconds? Honestly I'm getting cavities." He complains, making the angel blush.

"Oh um- I'm sorry.." Hoseok mumbles turning away from the demon.

"Fuck are you blushing?" Taehyung laughs, trying to look at the angel's face.

He manages to see the pink tinted cheeks and embarrassed pout as the angel keeps trying to look at his face.

"Damnnnn you look so sexy when you're blushing." The demons teases.

The angel gives him a shove in the shoulder.

"You shouldn't speak like that especially about other men." Hoseok corrects him, his blush now gone and annoyance clear on his face.

V looks at Hoseok with a raised eyebrow.

"You are anti-gay too. What a surprise." V says sarcastically.

Hoseok frowns.

"Of course. It's wrong and sinful. A woman and man are made for each other. That's why they can have children." He responds.

V shakes his head.

"You stand up for love don't you?" V says, making Hoseok nod his head.

"Well why does something like body parts matter when it comes to love?" V challenges and Hoseok frowns.

"It doesn't matter. It's not the love that's the problem it's the... sexual acts..." He says, a bit embarrassed.

"Well my little angel," V purrs pushing a strand of hair back behind Hoseok's ear, "that's how people show each other love." He finishes with a smirk like the Cheshire Cat.

His wicked eyes watch as Hoseok makes sense of his words.

"It's a sin. Lust is a sin." The angel says at last, turning away from the disappointed demon.

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