Chapter 7 - Lena

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Not wanting to totally give up the fresh air and warm breeze, I sit tucked into the couch cushions with the balcony door propped open while re-reading my final draft for my article. I type a quick email to my editor and attach the column, hoping he won't want any major changes.

For the first time in 3 and a half hours, I glance at my phone to see if there are any text messages, disappointed when there aren't. Determined to not mentally go down with the ship this time around, I make a decision to focus on Jack's idea for adding a few acoustic songs to our sets.

I go to my room and rummage around, looking for my notepad and pen I use to make our set lists. Finally finding them and making a quick mental note to do laundry, I grab my acoustic guitar and reclaim my spot on the balcony step. Making a few notes, I flip through the music on my phone seeing if anything jumps out at me. I put in one ear bud and strum along to a few possible candidates, waiting for inspiration to strike.

Starting to drift into the music and sing along softly, trying to find something that fits, my trance is broken by a text notification. I glance down at the alert.

Lena: Yes. Who is this?

I freeze. All of me. Heart, brain, fingers, and music all stop dead.

I set down the guitar and pick up the phone cautiously, like it's something that could suddenly bite or burn my hand, and reread those 4 words over and over again.

Me: an admirer

I hold my breath and wait. Three flashing dots immediately appear so I know I won't be waiting long.

Lena: an a stalker?


Me: No! I just find you interesting.

Fuck! I sound like an idiot. I start typing again to try to sound less disturbing, but the three dots are already flashing again so I stop and wait.

Lena: lol...ok, fair enough. do I know you?

I sit in amazement that she just didn't call me a creeper and tell me to fuck off.

Me: No, but we've been in the same room together at least twice.

Lena: and we talked?

Me: Nope

Lena: you're not a very good admirer

I laugh as I read her last text and immediately start typing again.

Me: Believe me, I know. I'm too shy and awkward to admire someone in person. You would have been horrified.

Lena: do I at least get to know your name?

Me: If we ever get to meet, yes.

Lena: that hardly seems fair. you know my name and who I am, but I don't get to know something about you?

Me: Ask me anything.

Lena: what's your name?

Me: Not that.

Lena: how old are you?

Me: 24

Lena: do you live in Columbus?

Me: Yes

Lena: do you go to school?

Me: No, not anymore. Do you?

Lena: you're the admirer. shouldn't you know that?

Me: I think that's probably the difference between an admirer and a stalker.

Lena: Fair enough. I graduated last month. what kind of music do you like?

I pause, feeling like we might be going into dangerous territory.

Me: Lots of different stuff. My Bloody Valentine. The 1975. Muse.

Lena: love the 1975!

I can't help but smile at this.

Lena: Would I recognize you if I saw you?

I hope not. More dangerous territory.

Me: Ummm.....I don't think so.

Lena: That's not giving me much to work with.

Me: That's the point. ;)

Lena: It's not like I'm going to take the information, draw a picture of you, and then randomly ask people if they've seen you around before.

Well, she has a point too.

Me: Fine. I'm sort of skinny and geeky. But that's all I'm telling you.

Lena: Do you have roommates?

Me: I used to, but now I have my own place.

Lena: I'm not sure I'm ready to live by myself. I actually moved in with my cousin when I came back to Columbus.

Me: I like the quiet. Living with 3 other guys was chaos all the time.

Lena: The quiet scares me, that's why I have a roommate.

Lena: wait. This isn't Gavin is it? Like some sort of joke?

Me: Nope. I am a very real person.

Lena: you know this is sort of weird right?

Me: I assure you that I'm completely aware of how weird this whole thing is.

Lena: and you're sure you have the right person?

Me: Yes, you are absolutely the right person.

Lena: well, there's a first time for everything I guess

Me: what do you mean

Lena: I've never be anyone's right person before

I don't have a response for that. How can words be so beautiful and tragic at the same time?

Lena: I have to run. I'm meeting some friends for dinner that I haven't seen since I've gotten back to Columbus. so are you a one-time admirer or will you be texting me again?

Me: Well, I guess that depends. Do you want me to?

Lena: you have to keep texting until either you tell me who you are or I figure it out on my own.

Me: Ok. But you'll never figure it out.

Lena: challenge accepted!

I stare at my phone with what I'm fairly certain is a ridiculous smile on my face. Running my fingers through my tangled hair, I read back over the conversation at least 5 times until I'm positive that it actually happened. And frankly, even with my lack of anything to compare it to, it went a lot better than I thought it would. Plus, she actually talked to me. Not everyone would talk to a stranger who texts them.

All of a sudden I'm filled with restless energy. I pop up off the floor and start aimlessly pacing around the apartment. Wandering through my room, I spot the neglected piles of laundry and grab them, dragging them into the laundry room off of the kitchen. After starting the first load, I start tidying up the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher. On a roll, I clean up the mess of electronics spread all over the living room.

Taking a break, I debate texting Jack to tell him what happened, but decide against it. I'd be seeing him tomorrow night at practice so I guess it could wait until then. The idea of texting someone just so I could over analyze another text conversation seems like something I should only do if I were a 15 year old girl.

Still left with excess energy and a fairly clean apartment, I sit back down on the step and lean against the door frame. I scroll through my phone until I find the song I'm looking for. 

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