Chapter 25 - When Things Take A Sudden Turn

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Despite our slow meandering pace, we reach the record store quicker than I want. Along the way, we stopped several times because she was insistent on taking a few pictures. I wasn't a camera guy, and I definitely wasn't someone who takes selfies, but she was giggling and laughing as she pulled me close to take our picture so I could hardly say no. I was enjoying being in our little private cocoon and wanted to extend that time as long as possible.

I open the door and step aside so she could enter first. Despite being in a public place, we're still completely focused on each other. She links her arm through mine as we slowly walk through the aisles, flipping through the records. I hadn't been back since the day I saw her here and it almost feels like a brand new store, like I was seeing everything differently now. Instead of just being a record store, it's the place where I first saw Lena.

I hear a noise and glance up, doing a quick double take. About four rows over, Jas is hopping up and down and trying desperately to stifle her excited squeals. She must have come in right behind us. I have a distant memory of ignoring her text messages and instantly regret that decision. I glance at Lena, and so far she is still oblivious to my panic. My eyes widen and I shake my head side to side at Jas and gesture for her to go away. I continue walking with Lena close by, but my eyes are still focused on Jas.

My brain goes into panic mode, trying to figure out how to introduce Lena to Jas which is clearly going to have to happen whether I want it to or not.

"So, um, do you remember my friend's girlfriend that I told you about? The one who has been helping me out with a female opinion on all of this?" I'm gently trying to turn her so Jas is no longer in her line of sight if she looks up.

She glances up at me with a smile. "The one who broke into your apartment?"

"Yup. That's the one."

"What about her," she says absently as we continue to walk.

"She's here."

Lena's head pops up immediately and she starts peering around the store, leaning around me to get a full view. As soon as she looks in Jas' general direction, she takes it as an invitation to come over and join us.

"Whatever happens, I'm sorry," I lean over and whisper to Lena, only halfway joking.

I barely get the words out when Jas is suddenly right there between us. She bumps me out of the way and flings her arms around a startled Lena. I can't help but smile as I see her surprised wide eyes peeking over Jas' shoulder at me.

"Why are you here?" I ask, hoping I don't sound as aggravated as I feel.

"Lunch break!" she answers cheerfully.


"So," she says, followed by a dramatic pause, "how are things going?" Her eyes flick back and forth between us and Lena touching my arm.

Before either of us can answer, we hear laughter and chatter from the back of the store. Lena's face lights up when she sees it's Molly and Gavin walking in through the staff entrance. I completely forgot that Lena had texted her to tell her where we were going. I'm assuming she's here for the same fact finding mission as Jas. I start to fidget and feel a little nervous. The more people involved, the greater chance this will go downhill fast.

"Oh, here's Molly! Come on, I want you to meet her." She lets go of my arm and happily heads over to Molly with Jas and I trailing behind. I give Jas a worried look and she reaches over and briefly squeezes my shoulder as a sign of reassurance.

Gavin is shoving some boxes in through the back door, so Molly reaches us first.

"So, this is James!" She says to Molly who looks equally as excited. "James, this is Molly."

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