Chapter 24 - A Surprising Confession

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"Let's go the long way," she says. "Down by the riverfront."

I'm so blissed out happy at this point I would agree with pretty much anything she said. We cross the street at the corner and quietly walk the single block down to the river. Not only are we holding hands, but we're walking just about as close together as we possibly can, arms touching all the way up to our shoulders. We walk past the open floodwall and along the concrete terraces right next to the water. It's a beautiful day so we are just two of many who had the same idea to head to the river and enjoy the warmth.

"So, I sort of have a confession to make," she says turning her head towards me.

"O-Ok," I say back.

"I actually....I actually recognize you," she says hesitantly. "It doesn't feel right to not tell you that."

I try to hide the panic that's threatening to take over my face. "Oh, um, you do?"

"Two weeks ago when we were both in the record store. I was there dropping off some tickets to Molly's boyfriend Gavin. I helped you pick up those records, but you left before I could say anything to you," she explains.

I struggle to try to find words, but I'm at a loss. It never occurred to me once that she would remember that brief encounter.

"I can't believe you remember that," I finally stammer.

Her eyes grow wide with surprise. "Remember it? I was so close to you, and when you looked up, you had the most amazing eyes I'd ever seen. You only looked at me for a few seconds, but I could never forget them. I would know those eyes anywhere," she says, suddenly shy. "I didn't say anything to Gavin, but I told Molly about it and swore her to secrecy. She made fun of me and said I should have run out of the door and chased you down the street."

"You should have. I was actually still standing outside and saw you when you left," I say softly, still in shock.

She stops suddenly and turns to face me. "You were still there?"

"When you walked out the door, you walked away from me so you didn't notice."

"Why didn't you come after me If you wanted to meet me so bad?"

I stand quietly for a few moments, trying to decide how much of the truth I wanted to risk telling her. I guess we were probably at the point of full disclosure so I might as well admit what I did even though I feel sort of ashamed and pathetic that I did it in the first place. I want her to see the real me and here it is, in all of its awkward glory.

"James?" she says, still waiting for an answer. "Why didn't you come after me?"

"I did," I say quickly, gazing down at my shoes.

She puts her free hand under my chin and gently lifts up my face so I'm looking at her again. Having her hand on my face like that sends sparks through my body. Even though she hasn't said anything, I know from the expectant look in her eyes she's waiting for me to expand on my answer. I start talking, the words quickly tumbling out of my mouth.

"I was just so caught off guard in the store. After I left, I knew I should do something, but I didn't know what, so when you walked out the door and away from me, I sort of panicked and just followed you."

I desperately want to look away, but her fingers are holding my chin in place so I start babbling again.

"I wasn't brave enough to talk to you. I wanted to – God I wanted to- but I just couldn't. You were so heart stoppingly beautiful. Your eyes, your laugh, everything, I could barely even breath when we were standing so close to each other in the store. I didn't think you would ever talk to a guy like me, but at the same time I couldn't handle the thought of never seeing you again. So I just followed about half a block behind you down the sidewalk. I knew I would never be able to say anything to you, even just to ask your name, so that's the only thing I could do. Just follow you so I could see you for even just a few more minutes."

We're still standing motionless, facing each other with our fingers still linked. We're almost the exact same height so our eyes easily lock together. I'm suddenly aware that somehow the distance between us has closed and we're only a few inches away from each other. The sound of the people around us has all but faded out of my consciousness. The only thing I can see and feel right now are those extraordinary eyes staring into mine. My brain is whirling and demanding that I run, but as long as she's looking at me like that, I'm frozen in place.

Before I can even react, her lips press against mine in a soft kiss. She pulls back slightly and my hand instinctively lands on her lower back, pulling her forward and back into the kiss. Her hand slides down from under my chin and settles on my chest. My eyes automatically close and my heart feels like its expanding. Far too soon, she breaks away and gives me a concerned look.

"I hope it was ok that I did that," she says, biting her bottom lip and looking worried.

Still struck speechless, I vigorously nod my head.

She giggles and leans forward and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. She starts to walk again, pulling my hand to snap me out of my post-kiss daze, I obediently fall into step beside her again, giving her hand an extra squeeze as we continue our slow stroll by the river.

We walk in silence for a few minutes before she looks over at me thoughtfully. "So, now what?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, still recovering.

"Us," she says, cocking her head to the side.

I immediately blush at the unconceivable thought of there ever being an actual 'us'.

"I..I don't know. What do you think?"

"Are you ever going to ask me to go on a date with you?"

I blush at the directness of her question.

"Yes," I choke out.

We continue walking, heading up the terraces and toward Broadway.


"Well what?

"I'm waiting for you to ask me out, you spork!" She throws her arm up in frustration.

"Oh, you meant right now? Ok. Um. Would you like to go out on a date with me sometime?"

"Yes!" she answers, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. "I would love to go out on a date with you."

"So does this mean you aren't disappointed in me?" I ask with a sideways smile.

"James, I'm not disappointed. I was hoping it would be you. You were what I was picturing all along."

This time I'm the one who stops walking. She turns around with a questioning look and I tug her back into me with our still interlocked fingers. Somehow I stop smiling long enough to lean forward and connect my lips with hers. For the first time, I am not afraid.

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