Chapter 28 - Do What You Know

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My eyes open and for a few brief moments, I am OK. As the brain fog clears, yesterday spills back into my consciousness and the too brief respite is gone. Because I'm a glutton for punishment, I mentally replay everything that happened yesterday. I'm still somewhat astonished by exactly how much can go so right and so wrong in one day. Until movement becomes an option, I'm just going to lay here staring at the ceiling. I try to imagine a time in the future where I'm not tired, but just can't picture it. I briefly toy with the idea of just staying right here all day and not moving, but as tempting as that is, I need to take on the monumental task of trying to fix what I broke.

I lean off the couch and grasp around on the floor until I find my phone. It's a small miracle that I only have one text message and it's not even from Jas.

Grif: Just a heads up, unless you tell me different, I'm going to try to keep Jas occupied with other stuff to give you some peace and quiet today. She's wound up like a top with all of these ideas of how to win over your girl. I also 'misplaced' her phone, but I don't know how long that's going to last.

Me: Thanks. I really do appreciate her help. I never would have gotten this far without her, but I need to think about some of this on my own.

Grif: Well, you've gotten more than enough of the female perspective on the whole thing. Do you want the guy perspective?

Me: Sure.

God knows it couldn't hurt.

Grif: The way I see it, Jas is making this too complicated. It's more simple than you think. I know expressing yourself verbally is a struggle for you sometimes, but I also know you have an incredibly rare talent when it comes to writing. We wouldn't be where we're at today if it wasn't for your song writing ability. Write down what you want to say and give it to her. She loved the song you sang for her. Learn another one and do it again. Do what you know. Do what you do best.

That is shockingly good advice.

Me: I think I can do both of those things. You've just given me some hope.

Was it as simple as a love letter and a song? I've written more songs than I can count, but I've never written a love letter. They are similar enough I suppose, full of emotion and written from the heart. I know that I want to tell her things that I'll never be able to actually say to her, but writing all of it down might be the perfect solution. Girls like love letters, right? Or is that too old fashioned. Sending it in an email seems impersonal and not very romantic, so that pretty much leaves an actual letter as the only option. Besides, it's not like I have a lot to lose at this point.

I look at the time and am surprised that it is only 9am. If I'm going to pull all this off in a day I need to get started sooner than later. My body protests and it take every ounce of effort I have to sit up. First things first, I need to ask a favor.

Me: I don't suppose you'd be willing to do a favor for me, would you?

I can probably figure something out without her help, but if she's willing it would make things a lot easier.

Molly: Maybe. What did you have in mind?

Me: I want to come over and see Lena tonight. Is there any way you can make sure she's there?

Molly: I think I can manage that. What time?

Ug. I hadn't thought of that. How long does it take to write a love letter and learn a song? I wasn't too worried about the song, but had no idea if I was even capable of writing a decent letter.

Me: Around 8:00?

Me: How is she?

Molly: 8:00 should be fine. Oddly quiet. She moped around in her pajamas the entire night. I went to bed at about 1am and she was still up so I'm guessing she'll be sleeping for a while still.

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