Chapter 16 - The Grand Musical Gesture

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I'll be the first to admit that it's a good movie. And somehow, as infuriating as she is, Jas is correct about the plot line applying to my situation. I pick up my phone to tell her my movie watching assignment is complete, but notice that there is a new text from Lena in addition to the one I didn't respond to this morning.

Lena: As far as admirers go, I'm only rating you as a C+

Me: I probably deserve that grade today. I slept in and then had to deal with a friend.

Lena: 'deal with a friend'? that doesn't sound very positive.

Me: It wasn't. She broke into my apartment.

Lena: it appears like you may have an admirer too ;)

Me: Nooooo. She's a friend's girlfriend who's helping me with a project. She's just....enthusiastic.

Lena: what kind of project?

Me: I guess you could call it a self-improvement project.

Lena: Sounds intriguing.

Me: the jury is still out on that.

Lena: do I get to find out if the project is a success?

Me: you'll be the first to know. I promise. J

Lena: wait, your project is riding on someone who breaks and enters?

Me: ok, it sounds like a bad idea when you say it like that!

Jas: Are you not done yet?

I groan and drop my head back on the couch cushion.

Me: Yes, I just finished.

Jas: So???? What are you going to do?

Ignoring her question, I drop the phone on the couch and pace around the room, running my hands through my unruly hair. What does she want from me? She's expecting too much. If I could figure out what to do, I wouldn't be asking for her help in the first place. I open the balcony door and grab a laptop before sitting down on the step. Opening YouTube, I scroll through new videos from my subscribed channels. The vast majority of them are to gaming videos and recordings of live concerts. I watch bits and pieces of GTAV gaming videos from my favorite channel and then switch over to clips from some recent music festivals. The comment sections on YouTube tend to be overly harsh and I usually stay away from them, but today for some reason I start glancing through them. What's different about this clip, is that one of the organizers from this small festival has interacted and answered some of the comments that viewers have been making. I find it interesting that people are coming back just to continue the conversation about the music instead of watching the video once and move along.

Me: Do you ever go on YouTube?

Lena: Of course

Me: How often?

Lena: several times during the day

Me: Really? That's a lot. What do you watch?

Lena: concerts mostly. Some video podcasts.

And all of a sudden it hits me. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to be Lloyd Dobler and make a grand musical gesture.

Before I lose my nerve, I log out of my YouTube account and click the button to make a new account using my email address from work. In the About section, I pause to think for a minute before I start typing. I decide that blatant honesty is probably my best option:

This channel is being made for a girl I have a crush on. Her name is Lena and she lives in Columbus. I'm horribly awkward around people so I'm not brave enough to actually talk to her in person and let her know who I am...yet. I got her number and have been texting her and, by some miracle, she has been texting me back. This channel is my grand musical gesture to her. If it were 1989, this would be a mix tape and boom box underneath her window.

I can hear my cell phone buzzing with text messages. I'm fairly certain that Jas is having a mini temper tantrum because I'm not answering them. Part of me wants to keep her waiting, but curiosity and human decency win out and I grab the phone.

Jas: Well????

Jas: Aren't you going to tell me?

Jas: Or do you need some ideas?

Jas: I have suggestions if you want to hear them!

Jas: Jaaaaames!

Jas: What is going on over there?

Jas: Will you PLEASE text me back?

Jas: Do I have to just come over there again?

Griff: She's not coming over. I took the key back. Sorry about that.

Jas: I can't help unless I know what is going on!!!

The next 5 texts are a combination of sad, crying, and angry emojis. I decide to put her out of her misery and apparently save Griff from his.

Me: I'm working on an idea. Give me a little bit. I'll text you tomorrow because I'm going to need your help with something.

Jas: Yea!!! I'm so excited!!!

Hoping that's the end of the conversation, I set the phone aside and start choosing songs for her playlist. 

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