Chapter 15 - Being Lloyd Dobler

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I wake up in my own bed for the first time this week and my back and neck are thanking me for it. My eyes close again as I try to determine if I can extend the oblivion that comes with sleep just a little bit longer, but unfortunately my mind is already spinning. By the angle the sun is coming into the room, I'm guessing it's around noon. I'm content to guess, because picking up my phone and confirming it also means facing any new texts. I haven't checked since I left the Bluebird last night and I frankly don't know if I'm ready to relive any of it just yet. Or ever.

The thought of trying to sell myself to someone who clearly doesn't want to date someone in the public eye intimidates the hell out of me. What argument can I use when the guy standing next to me on stage is the perfect example of why she doesn't want to be with me? Considering her fears are completely founded, I'm not sure that is an obstacle that can be overcome. I rub my fists in my eyes, but somehow last night still exists.

I grope around on my nightstand for my glasses and phone. I might as well face whatever messages are there sooner than later. There are 3 texts waiting for me.

Jas: Are you still awake?

Jas: Will you text me today when you wake up?

Lena: Good morning

I debated which of them I wanted to face first. Considering Jas would probably do all of the talking, I started with her.

Me: I'm awake.

Before giving her a chance to answer, I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom for a quick shower. I try to block everything out of my mind, but Jas' words from last night still echo in my head: You deserve at least a chance from her to prove that she can trust you. How do I get her to give me a chance? Plus, to even get to that point, I'm going to have to tell her who I am.

Out of the shower and dry, I wander out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around my waist.


I grab the towel a little tighter and yelp loudly as I stumble and almost fall from the shock of hearing a woman's voice in my apartment. I whip around to see Jas standing just inside the front door.

"What the hell, Jas! How did you even get in here?" I yell, still shaking.

"Grif and I have your spare key," she says as if I'm a complete idiot for asking.

"That's for emergencies involving dead bodies or fires! Not to just show up and creep around while I'm naked!" I stomp into my room to get dressed, slamming the bedroom door and leaving her standing there by herself. At least my phone is still laying on my bed and not in there with her. I slam drawers and yank a shirt out of the closet, cursing under my breath the entire time. Jerking the door open and letting it slam against the wall, I march down the hall still plenty pissed off.

In the living room, I find her sitting on the couch flipping through tv stations. "Why are you here?" I spit.

"I asked you to tell me when you woke up. And you did. So I came over," she answers, completely ignoring my bad mood.

"Instead of just returning the text like a normal person?" I mutter under my breath. "How did you even get over here so quick?"

"I was at the gas station down the street," she answers with a shrug.

Realizing that I have no control over the current situation, I give in and plop down on the other end of the couch, shoving the wet and dripping curls off of my forehead. I brace myself for whatever was going to happen next.

"Lloyd Dobler," she says suddenly. For a second I think she's commenting on something on tv, but then I notice she is looking straight at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Lloyd Dobler," she repeats. "You know...from the movie Say Anything."

I shrug and shake my head.

"Are you serious?" she asks, giving me a look somewhere between pure shock and disgust. "This is going to be harder than I thought."

I ignore her last snarky observation in an effort to get through the conversation. "Who's Lloyd Dobler?"

She shifts her body so she's sitting sideways on the couch and facing me. "He's only in one of the most iconic movie scenes of all time!" she answers seriously. "You know....John Cusack standing beneath Ione Skye's window holding up a boom box playing 'In Your Eyes' to try to win her back?"

"Oh yeah," I've seen that clip before.

"You need more than just the clip. You need to watch the whole movie. Repeatedly," she says with a raised eyebrow. "You need to be Lloyd Dobler."

I give her a doubtful look.

"James. You aren't getting it. He uses music to win back the girl. He proves to her that despite how different they are, he can fit into her life. You need to prove something to Lena. Are you getting the connection here?" she asks, getting more and more excited.

Apparently we've been spending too much time together, because it does sort of make sense to me. Before I can respond, she is already up and heading towards the door to leave.

"Wait!" I call after her. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"Download the movie and watch it. Then watch it some more and text me when you're done. Oh, and don't get up....I'll lock the door on my way out," she says with a cheeky grin while holding up the spare key.

I can't decide if I should thank her or yell a string of expletives after her. Either way, it looks like my Sunday plans are set. I pick up my laptop and start searching for the movie.

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