Chapter 12 - Fashion Choices and Preparations

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I wake up disoriented and on the couch. Again. The rain ended sometime in the middle of the night and sunshine was streaming in through the windows. I grope around on the couch trying to find my glasses and phone. We had texted until about 2am. The conversation turned from deep to just trading random facts, which was just fine with me. I learned that she has an older brother who lives in Chicago, her favorite animal is a zebra, she can't walk in high heels, and her favorite food is waffles. In exchange, I told her about my video games, writing, my weekly Friday visits to the record store, and all of my favorite bands. To my amazement, our musical tastes were completely in sync, which gave me an extra dose of courage. It almost felt like a lie to not tell her about playing the guitar since it is what my life orbits around, but it was too big of a risk.

She didn't push anymore about meeting me tonight, which was a relief. I was starting to get overwhelmed about playing in front of her even though she had no idea I was going to be the one on stage. I don't think I could play knowing that I was going to introduce myself to her in the same day. Jas was right about trying to figure out how I wanted this to turn out. After our conversation last night, it was inevitable that she and I would eventually meet.

What I needed to do right now was talk to Jas. And once again, I had no idea if begging for help from your friend's girlfriend was appropriate or not. On the other hand, I didn't really have another girl to ask.

Me: Hi

Grif: Hey! Was Jas able to help you out yesterday?

Me: Yes. I kind of need her help again. I just wanted to make sure you were ok with the two of us talking and hanging out.

Grif: Look, don't worry about that. We're both cheering for you. Besides, she's ecstatic to help. And as long as you're her new project, I get some extra video game time.

Me: I really appreciate it.

She must be sitting next to him again, because my phone chimes and her name shows up.

Jas: Did she text you back last night???

Me: Yes

Jas: AND????

I laughed at both her enthusiasm and liberal use of punctuation.

Me: It went really well, but I still need some help.

Jas: Ok. I'm coming over.

Me: Here? Now?

Jas: You need to be at the Bluebird at 6:30 for sound check, right?

Me: Yeah

Jas: Ok. Let me get ready and I'll come over to your place. We can talk and head over there together.

Me: What about Grif?

Jas: was his idea. Trust me, you're doing him a favor. He's looking for his Xbox controller right now.

Two hours later, she is at my door and equipped with plenty of advice. About everything. I'm standing in the middle of my living room while she looks me up and down deciding if I'm properly dressed.

"What else do you have?" she asks, still examining my clothes.

"Umm. You've probably already seen everything I own. I really don't like to go clothes shopping," I offer. Ignoring this piece of information, she turns and walks back to my bedroom. I dutifully follow her.

As she flings open the closet, I'm suddenly grateful for the fact that not only did I do laundry this week, but I also managed to put away all of the clean clothes. She rifles through all of my shirts, pausing every few seconds to hold up a shirt and then put it back. Finally she pulls out a black short sleeve button up and hands it to me.

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