○Philip X Reader: When I won't let you die○

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airing: Philip Hamilton and Y/N L/N
Prompts: none (co-pilot modus)
Request: none (still co-pilot modus)
Warnings: Revenge satisfaction
Point of view: 3rd person
Time: Hamiltime


Y/N's P.O.V

The air was foggy, my household was grey and the silence was taking over. Mom and dad were in Virginia visiting someone named Thomas Jefferson and took our household staff with them. So I was alone and bored. Then it popped in my mind that Philip was coming home from Kings college. Maybe I could visit him.

I grabbed my blue coat and put it over my f/c dress and walked through the big cold hall. I pushed the big oak wood doors open and I was hit by the cold air of November. The streets were empty uptown but it became crowded downtown.

Philip and I have been friends for over a few years after he met me when he walked me over one day. I swear that I would have kicked his butt, but when he looked at me I couldn't bring myself to kick his butt. He just smiled at me with his god damn freckled face and I couldn't say anything.

During the hard times like the Reynolds pamphlet, I was there to help him and his father. Yeah you heard me, I also helped Alexander since everybody but me and Philip are against him. If the world would be in shambles for me, I'd like someone to help me. I know what he did was wrong but...But I can't get mad at him for one-mokay maybe a few mistakes.

Anyway, on my way to the Ha-Schu-PHILIP'S HOUSE! I stumbled past another good friend of mine George Eacker. (cringe as much as you want because I'm cringing as well and I'm writing this)

Well hello miss Y/N. He said as he made a little bow. I smiled at his actions as I bowed as well;

Oh, fancy seeing you here. I said as we both stayed bowed for a moment and then burst out laughing. After we had laughed for a uncomfortable amount of time we regrouped our self's.

Anyway, I was actually hoping I would stumble upon you. George said as he grabbed a little paper from his dark blue coat and gave the paper to me, it was a theatre pamphlet.

Hamlet? I asked as I read the cover, he nodded and gave me a smile.

Wanna go tonight? He asked as he offered me his hand, in the place of giving him my hand, I gave him the pamphlet and he seemed a bit confused and scared.

When? I asked as he gave me a relieved sigh.

7 o'clock at the theatre. He said as he tucked the pamphlet in his dark blue jacket.

See you there! I said as I turned around and walked off. When I arrived at the marble doorstep, the door-which I didn't even knock on mind you-opened and a really angry Eliza stormed out the door.  I tried to stop her so I could ask her what was going on, but then I stopped myself because I can probably guess it's something with Alexander.

Just as I thought that I saw Alexander standing at the door frame and sighing heavy. I walked up to him and he gave me the best smile he could give me, which was a twitch with his lips.
Is Philip home? I asked as he gave me a motion that I was meant to be a nod.

He let me inside and then closed the door. I walked in and immediately 2 Hamilton's rushed to my side: William and John, Philip's 2 younger brothers.
Hey guys how is it going? I asked as William-the 4 year old- hugged my dress. I picked him up and sat him down on my arm as he wrapped his arms around my neck.
John-13 years old- just made a shrug motion and I completely understood it.

Hey Y/N! I heard Philip yell from the stairs as he ran down them. I sat William down and walked over to the stairs. Philip jumped off the last stairs and gave me a hug. I hugged back. After we let go he just smiled at me with that same smile he gave me the first time he met me.

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