^John X Reader: Wait, wait, wait (Part 2, special) Ending 1^

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Pairing: John Laurens X Y/N L/N
Prompts: none
Request: none
Warnings: Punches
Time: Modren
Pronouncement for reader: she  

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Before you read, there will be 3 endings for this one. The Hamilton ending, the Jefferson ending and the Lee ending. We'll start with the Lee ending.


The Lee ending

Y/N's P.O.V

"When I said you can pick anyone, I meant everyone but him!" John whisper yelled to me as I stepped on his foot to shut him up. "You made the challenge so you're  gonna do it." I hissed as he groaned. We were in the local Starbucks, standing in line. AKA the place where John's arch nemesis, Charles Lee, works at. 

"You could've chosen motha f*ing Jefferson, you could have chosen sidekick Madison, hell! You could've chosen Alexander, my best friend! BUT NOOOOOoooOOOOO! Miss just has to choose the guy who I hate the most!" John complained as the other people in the row were looking at him. "Shhht...I've never even seen him before, it was the first person who came out the top of my head so shut up." I hissed. "You speak, I'll keep shut till you fail or win." I said.

He grumbled as the person before us got their order. Then we came to the register. "How may I-Oh, it's you..." Lee said as he looked at John. I kept shut as Lee slowly took a glance at me. "Lee." John said to get his attention off me. "What do you want?" Lee said irritated. "Can you give me a whiskey filled latte and for her a caramel latte." John ordered as Lee scoffed but walked to the coffee machine. I could hear John mumbled: "Stupid challenge." 

Lee gave us the 2 hot cups and then typed something into the cash register. "That'll be 25 dollars." He said. John looked at the order board and back at Lee. "It's normally 17 dollars!" John complained as Lee blinked once or twice before saying: "25 dollars." John groaned as he smashed the money on the table and grabbed his cup. I grabbed mine and followed him to a table. "Y/N, I'm not doing this anymore." He said as I sat down. I didn't say anything and just sipped from the latte. 

"You're not gonna talk until this is over or what?" John hissed as I sipped from my latte making him sigh heavy. "Fine, I'll get him over here as soon as I can." John said as I raised my shoulders. We waited till it was closing hour. You know why? John checked the work schedule of the workers who had to stay as last to close the Starbucks and guess who was taking that shift tonight...

"You're not allowed to kiss back." John said as I lightly nodded. I grabbed my phone and texted something in.

John's P.O.V

She grabbed her phone and began to type something in. I tried to look but she covered it and gave me this look which made me scoff and lean back in my seat. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I kept eye contact with her as I grabbed my phone and looked at it.

'New message' it read. I opened it.

"I would never cheat on you dummy <3"

I sighed with a smile. She was a stupid little potato but she knew her business.  I mean, she's super wrong about the cute thing but she is smart. Enough.

The last costumers were leaving and so were the coworkers. A good 5 minutes later I saw Lee in the corner of my eye staring at me with this annoyed look in his eyes. "Can you go?" He finally asked as I looked at him. "Oh, didn't notice it was closing hour." I grinned. "Dude, everyone is gone and the closed sign is on." Lee said looking at me. Suddenly the door opened. "Is the shop open?" Someone known as Alexander asked as he poked his head in. "NO-" Lee yelled as I said "Yes dude come in." Lee and Y/N gave me a 'seriously' glare. 

"I need coffee. Black like my soul, thank you." Alexander said as he sat down. "If you guys will get your a$$es out off here after that, then gladly." Lee said stomping it off to the coffee machine. "When does this shop close?" Alexander asked looking at his watch. "5 minutes ago." Lee answered coldly. 

Lee came back and set the cup of coffee down on the table. "I'll be taking my leave, I have work to do." Alexander said as he stood up. "You two should probably also leave." Lee said with gritted teeth. Alexander already left when I groaned deep and stood up. "Have you met my 'friend' Y/N?" I said as I forced a smile on my face. 

"No, No I haven't. It's nice to meet you." Lee said as he smiled and shook Y/N's hand. I'm over here trying not to punch this guy to his death and that would be unfortunate since he's only 19. "We'll leave now, are you closing up?" I said breaking the hand shake. "Yeah, I'm leaving." Lee said looking annoyed again. 

He locked the door and now we 3 stood there. I'm gonna need to speed this up and make them kiss now. Lee's gonna leave and I'm gonna stand here with my tail in between my legs. "H-Hey, can you two pose for a picture for a second?" I asked as I pulled out my camera. "Why should I?" Lee asked. "B-Because my eum...My-My mom asked where I was at and with who so can you just shut up and stand at the entrance with her?" I asked as I gulped. 

"That's just weak." Lee said as he chuckled. "Just stand there!" I yelled as he grinned but stood at the entrance, Y/N next to him. If I'm right about Lee taking his chance whenever he can then I'll be sure that he does is right now. "Closer." I said as I pointed the camera at them. They shuffled closer. "C-Closer." I said getting more and more scared by every inch they came closer.

"Tiny bit clo-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence and Lee had already taken Y/N's chin in his hand and placed a kiss on her lips. I put the camera back in my pocket and rushed to the two. "Okay...OKAY!" I yelled as I broke contact between the two. Lee just stood there with this smirk. "I may be a coward, I may not be the ideal person but I have eyes and a brain." Lee said tapping on his brain. "Hold up." I said. "Psh, you kidding me Laurens? I saw you and her kiss all the time and I even saw you two fight in the restaurant the other day. I know you two are boyfriend and girlfriend. And I know that you two probably tried to do something." Lee said. "Plus, your girlfriend came here a few hours ago to say that I should not kiss her at all costs today." Lee said pointing to the sweat dropping Y/N. 

"You little cheater." I said as Y/N nervously smiled at me. "You ow me 10 bucks Lee." She hissed at Lee. "I'll give it." He said giving the 10 dollar bill to Y/N. She snatched it away and looked very pissed.

"Now I'll be taking my leave. Good luck you two." Lee said with a grin and left. 10 seconds after he was out of sight...

"You gave him 10 bucks to NOT kiss you?" I complained as she huffed. "Yes, I did." She confirmed. "Well at least I won and now you've gotta do whatever I tell you!" I laughed as she groaned. "So you'll be doing the dishes, the sink, my hair because this doesn't happen over night honey, the cleaning and you've gotta let me kiss you right now, because you're so cute." I said as she grew more annoyed every second. "Fine." She said as I pressed my lips onto hers.

End of ending 1 

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