~Lafayette X Reader X Thomas: Choosing~

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Pairing:  Thomas Jefferson and/or Marquis de Lafayette with Y/N L/N
(Reader: "Okay now you got me confused, why can't you just set one name or is this going to be poly, I NEED ANSWERS!" Me: "I don't do polies, unless someone asks me, and you'll see.)
Prompts: none


Warnings: YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'm throwing you guys in this blind, because I can.
Points of view: Jefferson's, Y/N's and Lafayette's P.O.V
Time: Hamiltime
Pronouncement for reader: Them


Y/N's P.O.V

I banged my head on the table as soon as I entered the office and sat down.
"Hey Y/N...You okay?" Alexander asked me as he sat down next to me on the meeting table. I looked up to reveal my sleepless face. He jumped as he looked at my face.
"WOW! You look worse than me! I didn't even know that that was possible." He said fascinated.

"What happened?" He asked. I banged my head back down.
"Jefferson happened." I groaned. Alexander sighed as he patted my back.
"What happened yesterday?" He asked. I sat back up.

~Flash back to yesterday~

I was walking to the market. Lafayette had gone back to France and had recently send me a letter...It was good for him, not so good for me. Actually I wanted to take a boat to France and hit a girl on the head.

Ch(e/è)r(e) Y/N (Blame me for learning French in Belgium + not even a comma)

I've to announce to you that I'm getting married. I know we haven't properly broke up, but I hope you can understand.

Marquis De Lafayette.

That's when I snapped, he had left me because I kissed Jefferson that one time on accident. I mean, he never said that and he always said that he didn't mind and that its okay. But I always knew better. And this was evidence. He did include an invitation for the wedding. I didn't know if I would come or ditch him.

In other words I wasn't in the mood to be bothered. That's what I stated to everyone around me as I looked like a zombie and a mummy...A zummy... (DONT STEAL THAT I MADE THAT UP!!!)

So as soon as I came in the shops people made way for me and didn't even bother to talk to me about how I looked. When I was done I made my way back to my house. That's when I ran into someone who didn't bother to go out of the way. I dropped everything and groaned as I looked up to see who bumped into me.

"Hey L/N." I heard in a taunting tone. 
"Oh the pink peacock." I said as I looked up to his face. "I hope for you that you're going to pay what's damaged." I said as I picked up my groceries and threw the bag in his direction. He dogged them and smirked.

"Dear, I can pay back for groceries but I'm afraid I can't pay someone to fix you." He said with a smirk. I made a twitchy smile, I was in public I couldn't beat his sorry a$$ into the ground. He knew that and he took full advantage off that.

"Never mind. I'll just live on bread." I said as I wanted to make my way out of the conversation.
"I knew you were poor but are you so poor that you can't go and buy extra groceries?" Jefferson said as he didn't turn around to face me. I bit my tongue as more and more people began to watch. You know what? F*ck my reputation. I turned around and walked back in front of him.

"Now you listen here you little-" I looked up to see his face as I coughed and said: "You big pile of a$$, I didn't work for 4 years to work in the cabinet and then be dragged down by the likes of you." I said as I pocked him in his chest. 

"You can't even push me off my platform." Jefferson said as he looked down to see me.
"You've sunken low enough for me to reach." I said as I reached for his ear and he sank down to my level. He and I made eye contact that could cut through the earth's core.

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