:Mario X !Eldest daughter of Alexandra! Reader: I should've stopped:

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Pairing: Mario Reynolds X Y/N L/N
Prompts: 12. What is going on here? (Comes in part 2)
Request: kaBOOMhamilton
Warnings: An affair (DUH!) See the extra text.
Time: Hamiltime
Pronouncement for reader: she 

So...It's been awhile...I didn't have a writer's block. I just have many books and I try to make a schedule which I always break. So, I love all you guys...And I'm listening to BMC and I like the squip...You can always read my new book if you want about BMC. (Shameless self promo)


Y/N's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch clearly not wanting to be disturbed when I felt a pair of hand place themselves on my shoulders and someone whispering: "Hey babe~" I sighed. "Mario, not now." I told him taking his hands off my shoulders. "Someone has a bad mood." He said as he sat down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "What's wrong?" He asked me as he pressed his lip on my ear. "I'm having an affair and my husband is coming home this evening." I told him as if it was obvious. "It's 14 pm, we have time." He told me putting his lips on my neck. "No, I want you to leave. Now." I told him as I pushed him away from me and scooted to the corner of the couch, using a cushion to block him from my spot.

"You can't run from me N/N (Nick name)." Mario said as he grabbed the cushion and tossed it across the room, hitting a painting of me and Theodore and knocking it over. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR-" I yelled before he placed his lips onto mine. I put my hands on his chest and began to push. The words 'no' repeating over and over in my brain.

I finally got him off when I rolled of the couch and began to book it to my bedroom to lock him out my mind and hope he would go. I ran up the stairs and heard close footsteps after me. I sprinted to the bedroom and opened the door and closed it with a bang, locking it behind me.

Knock knock knock knock

I crept in a corner covering my ears and looking down. Tears rolled off my cheek and my eyes were wide open. "Go away..." I said with a shaky voice. "Yeah, um, hey baby. There's no such thing as perfection. But I'm offering my love and a genuine connection. You can have my loyalty and all of my affection. You're looking everywhere, but every road will lead to my direction.Don't play play, ain't no cause for you to ever say nay.I'm a freak with technique, but the epitome of a lady. I'm the element of surprise, you can call me Eureka!" He said banging on the door.

I didn't open the door and kept sulking away in the corner. "Please, go away..." I whimpered, very scared that he might actually kick the door down.

Knock knock Knock Knock

"GO AWAY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he kept knocking on the door like it owed him money. I looked around for an exit point and saw a window.


As the knocking became louder I was regretting the option to let Theodore go and leave me here all alone. I grabbed the window knobs and began to pull, realizing that they were stuck because it was winter. They froze shut.


At that moment I realized I had trapped myself in my own bedroom with the only way out: A, the door. B, grabbing a chair and smashing the bedroom window.


B it is.


I'm pretty sure that he had grabbed a blunt object by now. I grabbed a chair and hit the window making a small crack. DAMN MY LATE NIGHTS EATING CHOCOLATE WITH THEODORE/MARIO!!!


As I left the chair and grabbed a stick to hit the window, I thought that my biggest mistake was him keeping showing up.


I broke the window.

I pushed the rest of the glass away and put one of my legs over the window and felt the cold winter air hit my leg. I shivered and then I realized the knocking had stopped. I looked over my shoulder to see that the door was still intact.

I-Is he gone?

I slowly made my way to the door. I put my hand on the doorknob and pulled it down and towards me. I backed away and looked at Mario standing there. His brown hair was positioned like he didn't just run up my stairs at the speed of light.

He didn't take his full time to push me on the bed and incage me. He put his lips on mine and he went on it again. I struggled again and pushed and kicked as many times as I could. It didn't help. Until the door opened and a yell could be heard:

"What's going on here!"

Mario twisted his head to the sound of the yell and stared with a frown. "THEO-" I yelled but Mario put his hand on my mouth. "Get off my wife." Theodore said as he came closer. Instead of doing anything Mario got off me and backed away from the bed. "You can have her. While you do, you can ask her if she enjoyed the month we spend together." Mario stated winking at me and walked out of the house.

I'm in trouble.

"Y/N, what the f*ck happened?" Theodore asked pissed. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I sat up straight and put my head in my hands. "I should've stopped." I mumbled as Theodore looked at me in shock. "Y-You cheated on me?" He asked to confirm. "I-I..." I said which was enough to make him leave the room.

"Theo wait." I said standing up and going after him. "Y/N you f*cking cheated on me!" He repeated as I looked down in shame. "Was that the reason you didn't come along? Because you wanted to have 'fun'?" He asked me as I furiously shook my head. "NO! N-no..." I said getting silent at the end.

"Why?" He asked me as I shrugged. "...I'm to blame...I know." I said as he folded his arms and frowned at me. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked as he nodded. "I'll leave." I said as I went downstairs to the door. I left the house and went to mom to stay the night there. She kept asking me why I went to her house but I dismissed it.

I never saw Mario ever again, which I dubbed to be good.

I did whatever I could to be out of Theodore's way, not wanting to bother him. But after a month or 6 Theodore and I ran into each other when we were shopping and he, believe it or not, forgave me. I was stunned, amazed, all of those things when he forgave me.

But deep down, I knew he knew that what was done, was done.

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