'Philip X Reader: The evil Hamilton siblings (part 1)'

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Pairing: Philip Hamilton X Y/N L/N
Prompts: None
Request: My 1 am self thinking about this
Time: Hamiltime
Pronouncement for reader: she  

Y/N's P.O.V

"Mom, no." I said as my mother tied a blue ribbon around my waist. "Mom yes." She chuckled as she looked at the mirror. We were getting ready for a dinner at the household of the Hamiltons. My father worked for the cabinet and was asked by Alexander Hamilton himself to go to the dinner in his house. He told to also bring me since he had children of his own 8 to be exact. Philip, Angelica, Alexander Jr., James, John, William, Eliza and Philip the second. 

(Philip never died in this AU, Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht)

"No mom, not blue." I said as I untied the ribbon around an ugly blue dress.

" I said as I untied the ribbon around an ugly blue dress

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"I was just kidding Y/N, I'll get something." My mom laughed as I threw the blue dress out the window right into the mud. R.I.P....Just kidding, DIE YOU CREATION FROM SATAN!!!

My mother returned with a dress that was much better than the dress before.

My mother returned with a dress that was much better than the dress before

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"Much better..." I sighed as I slipped on the purple and lilac dress. "We need to go girls!" My father yelled from downstairs. We slowly walked down the stairs because my mom decided that heels as tall as a British canon would suit me. We sat down the in the carriage for the short ride to the Hamilton household. I was playing with the little strand of hair that decided to leave the rest of my hair and waited till we arrived.

As soon as we did, we exited the carriage and walked to the door which had a cord sticking out. My father got the message and pulled on the string which made a bell ring on the other side of the door. A few seconds later a woman opened the door. She had a lovely blue dress on, she had brown silky hair and matching brown eyes with a face that was shining to the three of us. 

"Welcome, glad you could all come." She said as she opened the door wider. We all came in and were immediately greeted by Alexander Hamilton. "Hello! F/N (Father's name) Glad you could come indeed." Mister Hamilton said as he stood next to his wife. "Alexander, glad to be here. This is my wife M/N (mother's name) and my daughter Y/N." My father explained. "This is my wife Eliza and my kids...They're somewhere...KIDS!!!" He suddenly yelled. And outta nowhere 8 children popped out of the door in a line from tall to tiny.

"My children-" Alexander picked up as the kids got in a horizontal line. "Philip." He said pointing at the tallest andthehandsomest-*Cough* Smurr?  

"Angelica, Alexander Jr., James, John, William, Eliza and little Philip II." Alexander said while the children except little Philip were all looking at me. There's something wrong with those kids...I feel it! In my middle toe!

"Kids, why don't you 9 just hang around upstairs and let the grown up sit at the table?" Eliza suggested. "Actually-" I said puberty hitting me with a baseball bat. "Yeah mom, great idea." Angelica answered for me with a smile. 

"I'll come along to ease you Y/N." Eliza said as we all walked upstairs to the shared bedrooms of the Hamilkids. "So you 9 just stay here until dinner's ready, okay?" Eliza said as she again stepped out of the room. THE MOMENT THE DOOR CLOSED, the whole squad looked at me again. I'm just biting my tongue over here, trying not to jump out the window that is located right beside me.

"Don't worry we don't bite." William said from his chair while reading a book with his glasses on. "Unless you want us to." Philip smirked. "Er...I-" I tried but was cut off by James. "And Philip just broke his own record of flirting with the most girls in 1 day!" He stated as he showed everyone a paper with 1, 2, 3...30 STRIPES?! 

"Congratulations." Angelica said as she sat down and looked at her nails. "You've apparently  just been born to ruin every interaction I make with a girl." Philip said between gritted teeth. "You can't stop me player." James said as he put the paper away. I'm terribly afraid of these kids...I wish to go down again....

While Philip and James were arguing about that...I backed away to Eliza. She was playing with her dolls. "Hey what are you up to-" I asked but saw that she was decapitating the dolls with scissors. "Nope." I quickly said as I backed away. "Not dealing with this." I said before my back hit the closet door. I slowly turned around to see a human hand sticking out. I couldn't move. John and Alexander Jr. Came rushing in. "That's nothing." Alexander Jr. Smiled at me while John was kicking the hand in the closet and closed the door. "You've seen nothing." John said as I frantically nodded. 

William came and bumped into my leg. I turned to him and looked at him. "Okay, I think this one is innocent..." I mumbled. As soon as those words left my mouth, William pulled out a K-nife. "NOPE!" I said and ran downstairs. I kicked the door open because opening doors is overrated. 

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" My mother asked as the 4 heads turned to me. "Kids are F*ing crazy." I said as I pointed to the door where I just entered. "Y/N watch your words." My father warned. "Dad, William was holding a K-nife and there is a dead person in the closet!" I said as I heard footsteps come in the room.

"Good job Y/N, but I think that is enough." Philip said as he turned a corner. "What?" I asked as I turned around and took a step backwards. "We were playing truth or dare and Y/N chose dare and she had to come down here and say those exact lines. "Philip chuckled. "But I-" I said as puberty took another hit on me. "Ah yes...Don't worry Y/N, they do that." Alexander said with a smile. "Sir, will all do respect, your kids are crazy." I said as the 4 adults laughed. "You're good at acting. Maybe you should put her on Broadway F/N." Alexander laughed. 

Philip grabbed my arm, clenched his nails in my arm and dragged me upstairs. O-o-oh God...He opened the door to their room and threw me in. "Got her." He said as he too came in and closed the door and then locked it. 

"Now." William said as he put his book down. He walked over to me. "We'll give you two options." He said as the others stood behind him. "You keep your mouth shut or we'll come to your house and you'll kinda end up like the kid in the closet." William said as he adjusted his glasses. I just stared at them. "No." I said folding my arms. "To what?" William asked. "To all. I ain't dying at 16." I said as I frowned. "Eh kinda figured you would say no..." William said as he snapped his fingers. All of them were now holding a weapon of choice. Philip had a sword, Angelica had a Katana, Alexander Jr. had nunchucks, James had a gun, John had a dagger, William also had a gun aimed at me finger at the trigger, Eliza had scissors and little Philip II had the K-nife. 

"You were saying?" William asked. "I'll keep shut." I said puberty taking another turn.

"Good. Pleasure doing business with you." William smiled as the others put the weapons back at their place. I need to get outta here.

"Kids! Food is ready!" I heard Eliza yell. We made eye contact and I nodded multiple times. 

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