^John X Reader: Fight (Part 1)^

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Pairing: John Laurens X Y/N L/N
Request: moonlight11152
Warnings: Fight
Time: Modren
Pronouncement for reader: she

I have come up with this idea in 2 minutes so cut me some slack


Y/N's P.O.V

It has been 5 years since me and John have been together and honestly our friends have been pretty skeptical about that. "I don't know, 5 years without any flaw? That is not gonna last long." Angelica had said to me.

Today we were going out with the group to eat at my favorite tapas place. Me, John, Alexander, Hercules and Lafayette were already there. We were waiting for the 3 sisters to come because they needed to get ready. We already ordered some drink and I had to say that we may have drank a bit too much for just an appetizer.

The three arrived to see that we 5 were in a terrible state but they still sat down. We decided to play a game. It was called 'find something they don't know. The guys keep asking questions and me and John have to answer at the same time. If we answer something different we need to pay the food. "Hey guys, what's you guy's favorite color?" Alex asked me and John drunk. "Red." Me and John said leaning on each other. "PSH Alex that was no real question, what is the date you two met?" Angelica said pushing Alexander to the side. "The 10th of May 2012." We answered as Angelica frowned. "Dang it!" She huffed.

"Okay what about, who's the cutest?" Lafayette mumbled. "John." I answered. "Y/N." John said. We both widened our eyes as the whole table went silent. "Excuse me?" I said as I turned to John. "You're obviously cuter." I said as John shook his head. "No, No, No, you are absolutely adorable." John said looking at me. "You have a turtle on your head John, that is the absolute." I said as John brushed the turtle of his head.

"Well you're wearing a sweater that's to big. That's cuter than a kitten sneezing." He said as I pulled the sleeves up to my arms so it looked like it was a perfect fit. I heard popcorn crunching on the background. "Thank you Lafayette for suggesting this option because I think we don't match." I said turning my attention to Lafayette. "I didn't-" Lafayette stuttered out. I informed him and turned my attention to John.

"Well if you think I'm so cute then I'll use that power to leave to our apartment so you can pay the bill." I said as I stomped off.

John's P.O.V

"Y/N GET YOUR CUTE A$$ BACK HERE AND PAY THE BILL-and she's gone." I huffed as I plopped back down. "I have nothing to do with this." Lafayette mumbled, got up and left to his apartment. "Wow, seems like you two are going to have a rough weekend." Hercules said as he sipped at his beer.  "Oh no, no, no. You all are NOT leaving me alone with that ship wreck!" I complained.

"You guys said you were a perfect couple, so now you guys can dig yourself outta your fight." Peggy said as she grabbed her purse. The others stood up too. "HEY! I'M NOT PAYING FOR THIS ISH!" I yelled but they were long gone. I sighed, slammed a 100 dollar bill on the table and left. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I arrived home and threw my jacket on the couch and landed next to my jacket. Soon the front door opened and closed. I looked up to see John coming in. I laid my head back down as I heard our bedroom door slam shut. I decided to watch something to get my mind of things.

John's P.O.V

She's sleeping on the couch. No matter how she looks at me to get in this room. She can go to Peggy if she wants to sleep in a bed. I plopped down on our bed, right in the middle. AAAAAND this is uncomfortable. I need Y/N next to me.

I headed to the door and hovered my hand above the handle of the door but put my hand back and jumped on bed. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number of Alex in. It beeped a few times before he picked up.

"YELLOWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwww?" He said clearly drunk. "Alexander get a grip and talk to me." I said furiously.

(Now that I typed that, that doesn't sound that great...)

"Heh...Still fighting?" He said slightly sobered. "She's on the couch." I said as I glanced at my door. "Wait is that John? Give that to me." I heard in the background. "Hey, hey Alex?" I asked. "Nope. Angelica, talk to me." She said. "There's nothing to talk about. She's on the couch. Not talking so how would I know!!!" I yelled to the phone.


"*Lip smack sound* Not talking?" She asked. I hung up and stormed out the door. "Okay! We're gonna settle this!" I yelled as she turned up the volume of the TV. Under the sea is now being heard by the whole apartment complex. "Sorry can't hear you!" Y/N shouted. I gave her this look. Eyes squeezed together, one slightly twitching and my lips pressing together. With that face I grabbed the remote from her hand and closed the TV while looking at her. 

"Okay, how about this." I said trying to reason with her. "I challenge you." I said. As soon as the word challenge fell her ears twitched. She is competitive as f*ck. She loves challenges and she loves winning them even more. "I'm listening..." She said slightly looking at me. 

"You can pick someone, anyone. And to see if I'm right.-, I'm gonna get them to kiss you just from what I tell them. You're not able to say anything. Just look at them. If they kiss you that means you're the cutest and if they don't then you win." I explained as she thought for a second. 

"Deal." She said as she extended her hand for me to shake. I went to grab her hand but she took it away. "If I win you need to do all the housework for a month." She said as I chuckled. "If I win you need to do whatever I tell you for a month." I said getting her game. "Okay, shake on it." She said and shook my hand. 

Y/N's P.O.V

The game is on.

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