°Alexander X Reader: I hate you (part4)°

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Pairing: Alexander Hamilton and Y/N L/N
Prompts: none
Request: me,
Warnings: Being betrayed (again) ,stabs
Point of view: Y/N's P.O.V and 3rd person P.O.V
Time: Hamiltime
Pronouncement for reader: she

I'm so excited to write this so let's get into it!!!!

Y/N's P.O.V

Ah, you feel that? That's a good portion of betrayal. Soon enough this will all end and I'll be freed from all this stress. I ran out the camp and headed to the British camp. But this damn dress is so hard to run with and these heels will be the end of my feet. I grabbed my pocket knife and ripped my dress to my knees and left that hideous piece of cloth behind. I kicked off the heels and felt much better.

When I was almost at the camp with the documents clenched in my hands I suddenly heard running noises. Sh*t...that idiot tattle tailed me off. I ran around in search of a hiding place, in this case the needle tree.

Alexander's P.O.V

I swear I saw something run...
"Guys this way!" I yelled at John, Hercules and Lafayette. They found me in the tent due to my yelling. They quickly bandaged me up and then we went after Y/N, we found her heels and a cloth of her dress around so we knew she passed here.

"Alex, this seems more troubles worth." John said as he placed his hand behind his head. I rolled my eyes at his comment.
" yeah John's right this is just too much for a girl that runner away from you..." Hercules said with a smirk. I was slightly offended by that comment. Only a little bit though...

~2 minutes later~

"Alexander let go off Hercules please!!!" John yelled as he tried to separate me from Hercules as I was punching that mother f*cker in the stomach. John pulled me up and made me loose my balance so we both fell on top of each other. I was in the dominate position as John just looked at me.

"You sure you're not Gay?" He asked. I blushed and got off him. He pushed himself up.
"I'm just saying..." He said.
"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled back.

Y/N's P.O.V

Wow...those idiot really are idiots. But whatever...I ship it...

Alexander's P.O.V

"I'm sure she is somewhere near." I said as I looked around. Then I saw Lafayette leaning against a tree looking up.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he looked at me and then pointed up to a needle tree and said:
"Waiting till you guys notice her in that tree." Super human being that's for God damn sure. I looked up and saw her briefly because she already jumped off to escape.
"GUYS AFTER HER!!!" I yelled as we all ran after her.

Y/N's P.O.V

SH***************************T!!!! I should've run when I had the time! That French mofo is going to confuse and confound me!

I ran as fast as I could but then as if the gods didn't hate me enough an American with a bandana popped in front of me. I tried to turn left but a trash can with freckles stood there.

I looked to my right to see White, blue and red there. I bothered to look behind me to see 5'6.(I shouldn't be joking with this I'm 5'2)

"Y/N let's try this again." Alexander said;"give me the documents and I won't tell your father about this." He suggested, I shook my head no and smirked.
"Now I see why you choose this one, she'd stubborn like you." Gay freckle said.

"Y/N we're with four, you're alone. Give the documents." He said. I shook my head no.
"Fine, then I'll get killed by Washington for touching you." He said and the four ran to the middle aka me. I just stood there not knowing what to do. Then I saw that the French one had a sword, perfect. I ran to him and snatched the sword from his sword keeper. Then holding it with a quick move at his neck. Everyone stood still and looked at me.
"You know I'll do it." I said, they all knew that I would. That's when Alexander stepped in front of everyone.
"This is between you and me, not between you and Lafayette, let him go." He said as I held the sword closer by Lafayette's throat. I thought for a second.

I let him go and pushed him toward his useless friends. Alexander drew his sword and looked at me.
"This doesn't have to end this way." He said as he looked at me. I looked him dead in the eye and shook my head no. He sighed.
"Then so be it." He said and went for the attack. He pushed his sword against mine and I planted my feet in the ground to not be impaled and pushed over by this dude.

His face was inches close by my face and we looked each other dead in the eye. He was stronger than he looked and was clearly winning. I pulled my sword aside and ran behind him to impale him but he literally turned around with me and kicked my sword aside. I was ready to be killed with no defense or back up. That's what he thought... I pulled out my gun and fired his sword to the other side.
"Cheater!!!" John Gayrens yelled.

I smiled at that. You have to cheat to survive. That's when I didn't notice that Alexander had grabbed the gun together with me and now we were holding a LOADED gun.

I looked at him and he looked at me like we knew what was about to go down.

3rd Person P.O.V

Y/N and Alexander began to fight over the gun. They swinged the thing around like the moms in the sales in stores or when Black Friday rolls around and people are fighting over the last cookie pack.

They passed the gun forwards and backward till they were at the point that they were both holding the trigger. They looked at the gun and the rest was just nervously watching the whole thing fold out. That's when a gunshot could be heard in the forest making all the birds in the tree fly away and make the American camps and the British camps away in the middle of the night. Both camps were heading to the forest. The guys were staring at the both wondering who shot but more importantly who got shot.

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