°Philip X reader: Family issues (Part 2)°

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Pairing: Philip Hamilton and Y/N Jefferson
Prompts: none
Request: Spookyscaryreader
Warnings: Yelling, swearing, sass, family issues
Point of view: 3rd person
Time: Hamiltime  

I was asked a part 2 of this...SO HERE YA GO!


Y/N's P.O.V

I was sitting on the velvet couch, same as always. It wasn't raining but it was a evening night sky. I was waiting for Philip to come. He promised me he would come this evening in a letter. The tricky part was getting past the garden with multiple servants gardening. My dad suspected me and him being a thing, but he wasn't sure of it since I kept debunking his logic. How? By saying that he's a player. Which I hope he isn't.


I heard as I flinched. But...Philip may...


...Indeed he would.

I got off the couch and got out my room. I slid down the stairs and walked into Dad's office. "Hello dad-"

"Y/N, no time for the lambs and sheep. LOOK!" He yelled as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed a card in my face. "Yeah dad, can you give it to me so I can read it-"

"Its an invitation for 'Take your child to work' day." He explained as I raised my eyebrow. "Why?" I asked as he began to ramble.

"So Washington, Burr, Hamilton, James and I were debating and I may have thrown a book or 20 to Hamilton while he wasn't looking. Then he jumped on me and we started fighting and James, Burr and Washington tried to get us out of each others a$$. When they did Washington thought we should at least let our children get along to avoid this problem in the future. He told us to bring ours too. James is bringing his son John Payne, Burr is bringing her daughter Theodosia and here comes the bad part. Hamilton decided to only bring Philip since the other children aren't interested and that his oldest daughter, Angelica, has a cold. AND I ONLY HAVE YOU! GOD DAMN IT! I SHOULD'VE MADE YOU A BROTHER TO F*CKING PROTECT YOU!" Dad said dropping on the ground, hugged his own knees and rocked back and forth. 

I face palmed.

"Dad." I sighed. "Y/N. You are NOT getting close to that Hamilton boy. I know you say that you don't like him but I still don't trust you on that manner." Dad said. "Dad." I repeated. "Also, keep your chill." He said putting his hands on my shoulders. "Dad." I groaned. "You're the only thing I have left. ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ " He said as he hugged me. "Dad..." I said a bit sad. "Also don't embarrass me. You're a Jefferson." ( me internally: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ) He said cold and hit the back of my head as he let go off me.

There's the Thomas Jefferson I know.

"Can I leave now?" I asked as he nodded and sat down at his desk. "Yeah go. Stupid." He said coldly as he began to write. I was about to exit when..."I love you." He said. I turned around and looked at him smile at me. I sighed. "Love ya too dad." I smiled with a light smile and closed the door. "I get why Hamilton hates him..." I whispered. "I HEARD THAT!!!!" I heard which made me jump. I chuckled and ran to my room.

When I closed my door I heard some knocking on my window(-oh, oh, oh, oh~) I looked to it and saw Philip hanging onto the balcony as tight as he could. I rushed to open the window and when I did, I grabbed his arms and pulled him into the room. I closed the window again and sighed. Philip, whom was now on the ground, looked at me with a smile.

"Hey~" He said as lustful as possible from the position he was in. "My God..." I sighed with a smile as I helped him up. "Hey." He said as he got on his feet. He put his lips on mine and kissed me. After awhile we pulled apart and decided to go to the near outskirts of the forest together. So when we arrived we sat near a lake against a tree. "Did your father already tell you about that 'Take your kid to work' day?" I asked as he nodded. "He did. And he said I couldn't talk to you there unless it's an insult." He chuckled as I laughed along. "Mine said don't embarrass me, you're a Jefferson." I said in his accent. That made him laugh and visevirsa.

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