0 John X Reader: Last wise words 0

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Pairing: John Laurens and Y/N L/N
Prompts: None
Request: _Morgi-the-corgi_ and her friend whom she didn't tell me the name of...But...Whassup fried of Morgi!
Warnings: Yelling, sh*t that can't be explained through science
Time: Modern  

So this kind soul, told me she and her friend were wondering about a certain type of event happening and one of them told me their idea. SOOOOO!!! I guess this is what I'm doing this evening!

This'll probably be a short one though! I don't know yet!


Y/N's P.O.V

"I'll be fine." John scoffed as I nodded my head in a sarcastic manner. "Uh-huh." I nodded my head as he folded his arms and huffed. 

We were at the dentist. 

John, my boyfriend, needed to get his wisdom teeth to get out of his mouth. I'm here for moral support. And also because John doesn't like pain. He doesn't even like rubbing alcohol on his open wounds. This dude would rather die of tetanus than experience 2 seconds of hell. 

Getting his wisdom teeth removed would be a big step in the right direction. Also, he was kinda drunk when we went to the dentist a few weeks ago so he obliged with his ego on a 100%. How did he get drunk? We forgot the f*cking dentist until I looked in my phone. We were at a party at the time and I got him in the car after throwing a turtle in the passenger seat. 

He also drank a bit before coming here. Alexander said it would quote on quote:

"Show him who's boss."

I told Alexander to quote on quote: 

"F*ck off."

But John had already took a shot of Whiskey. Honestly he's so gullible. 

"John Laurens?" We suddenly heard as a doctor came out of the office and looked over the patients. "Pre-SENT!" John cheered as he shot up and walked to the dentist. "Ho Boi..." I sighed as I followed him.

We followed him to the office and he told John to sit down in the stool. He said that I could sit next to him, but if I was easily ill, I should turn away. The doctor explained what he was going to do to me. 

John was playing with the equipment. 

So he would get an injection in his mouth that would numb his mouth completely. Then he would basically pull them out. It would bleed a lot but after a few minutes it would lessen and he could go home. Then he couldn't directly eat food for 7 days. Awesome. 

I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. I smiled at him before turning away. 

~2 hours later~

We were in the car. I was driving and John was next to me. He had a cloth in his mouth to prevent all the bleeding. "I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!" He cried with tears streaming out of his eyes. "I know babe." I shushed him as he kept crying. "WHY IS THE EAGLE THE NATIONAL ANIMAL THINGY AND NOT THE TURTLE?!" He cried out with the cloth blocking most of his yell. "I know, I know." I shushed him as I kept concentrating on the road. 

"Do you want to listen to Heathers?" I asked as he nodded tears pouring out of his eyes. At a red light, I quickly grabbed my phone, set on Bluetooth and set the Heathers album on shuffle. 

It had to be my luck to land on 'I am damaged'

John began to cry harder. "NOOOOOO JD!" He sobbed. "See this is what you get when you go drunken to a dentist." I chuckled as he gripped my arm. "Y/N PUT IT OFF!" He yelled as I pressed skip.

'My kindergarten boyfriend' Of course. Of f*cking course.

After that whole rampage, we finally got home and John was put to bed. He was sobbing the whole night until he fell asleep. I felt bad for him, BUT HE CAN GO AND SOB ELSEWHERE!

It didn't help that he acted like a emo teenager and put on emotional music to cry on. He wrote poetry about his pain. I shall show you one of his pieces:

I feel like paying money to get something that was produced by me getting ripped out of my mouth is harsh! It's like taking every turtle ever and taking their shells away and make them pay you money to do so. The thing about pain is, is that it's demanded to be heard. The pain changed me. It makes me never trust dentists ever again. BECAUSE THEY'RE MONSTERS! 

High school all over again. I swear to god!

This lasted for 7 days, every single night. 

Then one morning he came downstairs in a very happy mood.

"BABE! I feel so much better!" He sang as I chuckled. "That's great." I softly smiled with a tired smile. "And now I can stay home for 7 days!" He cheered as nodded. "You may also drink from a sippy cup for 7 days." I chuckled as he pouted. "Way to ruin my reign." He pouted as he folded his arms. 

As he came closer to me he suddenly saw how my eyes had bags under them. "You look tired." He commented as I smiled. "And you look like a burned toast 24/7, but do I comment?" I asked sarcastically. "Sorry babe." He sheepishly said hiding his burn wounds. 

He leaned in to kiss me when I pushed his face away. "I'm gonna sleep, so excuse me." I said as I went upstairs and laid down. 

Finally some peace and quiet. 

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