~Alexander X reader: heart broke~

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Pairing: Alexander Hamilton and Y/N L/N
Prompts: none
Request: none
Warnings: Sentimental sh*t, no Hamilza, endless amounts of flash backs
Point of view: 3rd person Jefferson's P.O.V and Y/N's P.O.V
Time: Hamiltime


Y/N's P.O.V

Being a politian is never easy...having enemies, having trust ishues, work like there's no tomorrow sometimes...well, I shouldn't be the one to talk...

~Flash back~

1804, the 13th of July

"Have you read the newspaper L/N?" Thomas asked as he threw a newspaper on my desk where I was writing. I was at home and didn't want to be bothered, but this was Thomas. I looked through my silver glasses as I cocked an eyebrow up at Thomas.
"You know I don't read that bull cr*p..." I said as I lowered my eyebrow and went back to reading my papers. Thomas opened the newspaper and tapped on it. I sighed and glanced at it. In big black letters there was written: Alexander Hamilton dead

I breathed very slowly and gazed at the paper. He's dead?
"Burr shot him a few weeks after I was elected to be president." Thomas said as he sat down on my desk.
"..." I didn't say anything.

"Look I knew you guys had something special happening a few months ago and I-"

"Heh..." I chuckled, Thomas looked up and saw my smiling face. He looked confused as he tilted his head which made all his hair bounce all over the place.
"Haha..." I smiled as I looked at the newspaper and finally taking it in my hands.
"He's dead, he is dead, this is great!" I said as I smiled and looked at a very worried Thomas.
"Are you okay Y/N?" He said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked him straight in the eyes and they sparkled like they had never sparkled before.
"Okay? I'm better than I will ever be!" I said as I slammed the paper down on my desk which made Thomas jump a little bit.

"...call me in if you need me..." Thomas said as he hopped off my desk and closed the door behind him.

"Finally! Hamilton's dead!" I said as I regrabbed the paper from my desk and read the title again. Over and over and over again. My hands began to shake as my smile faded as snow before the sun.
"Hamilton's dead..." I repeated again. A sob escaped my mouth as I covered it with my hand. A tear fell on the newspaper that was shaking due to my shaking hand.
"He's dead..." I repeated before looking back at the newspaper and rereading it again.

I kept in a scream as I ripped the page out the newspaper itself.
"Nononononononononono...please, I'm begging you...Nononononononononono...." I repeated as I looked at the page. I screamed the scream I was holding back as I ripped the page into 1000 individual pieces. I threw them in the fireplace as I watched it all burn as the flame expanded and almost burned my shoes off.

"Why would you leave me Alex...why" I said as I fell down on the ground and cried till the morning was ripe and ready to go. I hadn't slept and looked like Alexander when he doesn't rest like his doctor told him to do...God damn in Alex...

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