*Philip X Reader: Blood red*

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Pairing: Philip Hamilton and Y/N Jefferson
Request: luna6kitty
Warnings: Yelling, blood, sh*t that can't be explained through science
Time: Modern

So, I've been watching diabolik lovers and finished both seasons yesterday. (The ending of season 2 was sh*tty. Open f*cking ending my a$$. WHO THE F WERE THE GOD DAMN WEREWOLVES?!) 

Anyhow, I'ma write over vampires, because I can. And I will, and I just did. 

Just so you know, I've read the wikipedia page of vampires which is f*cking long. And I decided to just write what I wanted to write. God damn it.


Y/N's P.O.V

"Dad I'm fine." I said through the phone. "You sure about that?" Dad answered in his Virginian accent. "Yeah. I'm just going to New York for like...3 months. I'll be back by then." I said as I sighed. "I know doll, but, it's just that-" 

"-The Hamiltons live in NYC, I know." I said as I heard my door open. I didn't look though. A sigh could be heard from the other end of the line. "Sweetie, be safe. And carry pepper spray." Dad said. I shook my head with a chuckle. "I will." I said to reassure him. "I need to go, paper work and such. I'll call you when I'm done." He said. "See ya dad." I said. "Bye doll." Dad said before I hung up.

"Your dad is a f*cking prick." Someone whispered in my ear. "He just worries about me." I responded as I put my phone to the side. 2 arms wrapped around my shoulders and neck and a head rested in the crook of my neck. "Still-" "Philip, bea, I'm fine." I responded as he sighed.


I'm dating a Hamilton.

Deal with it.

"How did you get in anyway?" I asked him as I turned to him. "You left the door open." He said as he let his arms slide off me to look at me. I close the door. I'm sure of that. "Hmm, must've left it open." I hummed as he pulled me on his lap. "You don't believe me do you?" He asked dangerously low. 

"Kinda." I told him as I grabbed a pillow and slammed it in his face. "Hey!" He yelled as he pulled the pillow away and tossed it in my face with enormous force. I tumbled off his lap, onto the ground. "Oh God." I heard him say as he looked down to see me on the ground. "I'm so sorry!" He said as he grabbed the pillow and put it back in its place before picking me up and putting me on the bed.

"That. Hurt." I complained as he bitterly smiled. "Sorry bea." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Can I make it up with a date?" He asked as I thought for a second. "Sure. Why not?" I smiled as I felt myself getting better. I stood up and Philip pushed me down. "But first some cuddles." He said as I laughed and laid with him in my queen sized bed.

~That evening~

"I don't like him Y/N." Helia said as she looked at me changing clothes for the date. Helia was my best friend. She was very sweet and innocent. She had long white-blond hair with baby blue eyes and she was very smart may I ad. "Helia, he is 25 I'm 22. He works at the local hospital and I work as a co-author of books. He is hot and I'm acceptable. What is it that bothers you?" I asked her.

"Isn't it weird that he acts like he's seen it all, like he has an old soul inside him. I'll gladly believe he's 25, but he acts like he's 300 years old...He works the night-shift at the hospital. He only wants to go out when it's night and he is exceptionally hot, like...TOO f*cking hot! There is some aura around him..." Helia said as she waved her hands all over the place. 

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