John Laurens X Reader book + Information on future chapters (Please read)

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My dearest, readers

As you know I have posted a John Laurens one shot for the 100th followers milestone. You can now find a book about this! It's not going to be very long like Modern times or heels on the battlefield. At least, I planned it to be a bit shorter. But you never know because I get ideas at random every time.

And about the chapters.

I have planned over 10 and I have a week free so I have time to write those. You are always open to request but you have to keep in mind that it might take a bit. So please be patient, I'm coming to it.

And I know some of you are thinking: "If you can't take it then just close requests for awhile or decline some chapters."

And to those I want to say:

"I was raised by a perfectionist mother and an immigrant Turkish father. Raised to get an 8/10 on every test as minimum. In other words, if I quit I'm weak. And I don't know if you know me but I like to keep a strong character. It's the way I've been raised and presented to the world."

Now you can see why I call myself the female version of Alexander. I'm raised to be strong and non stop. Not weak and a quitter.

This got dark very quick...I need a lighten up the mood of this information box...Whenever I undress in the bathroom, my shower gets turned on. Yes, now I feel worse...

Anyhow, thanks for reading this!

Also the Be more chill fans...Keep an eye on my profile this week...

From your probably not favorite author


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