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This is for wotfinn
Hope you enjoy!

Your pov-
It was a sunny, breezy day down in Derry, Maine.
Which is where I lived my whole life. It's also where I met my best friends.
It's where I met Richie..
Oh, I wish I could tell him.
Tell him how I felt.
That day it was just us. Everyone else had some kind of summer activity to go to. So it was just us. I obviously wasn't complaining.
We decided to play a little game.
"We basically just confess secrets, and whatnot to each other."
I thought.
"Ok, sure. You first."
We had played this game for what felt like hours, but I didn't mind. As long as I was with him.
Then he said something.
"Ok I have a question for you now."
I nodded, a little afraid of what the question exactly was.
"Who do you like? Like, a crush."
And right there, that's when my stomach literally felt like a knot.
How would I tell him?
I mean, I can't lie.
"Y-you.." I admit, looking down.
Holy shit I just said that.
"I know you probably don't like me back and that's fine but I just really needed to tell you and I didn't want to lie and-"

Richie's pov-
She was rambling.
I cut her off by doing something that I didn't think I had the courage to do.
I kissed her.
The good thing was, she immediately kissed back.
The kiss deepened, until we pulled apart for air.
She was blushing a bright red, and it was adorable.
"I-I like you too Tori." I said, staring into her bright blue eyes. I could get lost in her eyes forever.
She smiled and hugged me.
"So, what does that make us?" She asked, as I stroked her beautiful blonde hair.
"well, what do you want us to be?" I smiled.
She then kissed my cheek, causing me to look like a tomato.
"Does that answer your question?" She giggled.
I nodded, which caused us both to die of laughter.
"I love you" she said, as the laughter calmed down.
"I love you too."


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