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 a/n - have you guys seen I am Not Okay With This? i just recently started it and Stanley deserves the world. 


Bill Denbrough had been one of your best friends of all time. you did everything together, and you were never afraid to be yourself around him, same with him. 

It was a summer night this night, you lye in your bed as the Pink Floyd vinyl crackled on your nightstand. Bill had gotten you that vinyl. as you stare at your ceiling your memories traveled back to the day he had bought you it. 

it was last year, almost a year from now when you both first met. you had ditched school being that bill was too excited to wait to show you the new record store he discovered. there, he bought you one of your favorite albums. 

your train of thought came back to you as you heard a slight thud on your bedroom window. your body jolted up and ran to the window, knowing that it'd be your best friend. 

"Beach night?" he asked from the bottom of your window. you stared down at him with a grin, "you betcha!" 

you gently turned off the record player before sneaking out of your bedroom window. Luckily, there was a tree besides your room which made it easy to sneak out, being your parents were the strict type. Bill leaned on the handles of his bike as he waited for you to grab yours. His bike had been on so many of the adventures you two went on. silver. 

"Stop it right now William Denbrough or i swear to god-" you tried maintaining a serious tone but you filled the beach with giggles as bill continued to splash water at you. Truth be told you didn't want him to stop. Times like this where only bill could make you laugh so much, you were so thankful to have him in your life. 

the sun was fully down at this point, no one besides you two were in sight. you lay on the sand farther from the water, just looking at the stars. "it looks like a flower," you said. 

"what?" he asked. "the stars, look, you can see a flower in the stars if you pay attention." you explained, pointing at the dotted sky. he nodded once he saw it too. 

"the summer stars are so beautiful.." you trailed off, examining  the sky some more. "just like you." said Bill. You then realized it wasn't the stars he had been looking at, but you. your eyes met as the butterflies in your stomach told you to let it happen. just then, he leaned in placing his lips on yours. short, but it meant so much to you. 

he held your hand in his, "i love you forever, y/n."

"i love you forever bill." 



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