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a/n: thank you guys so much for caring about my whole "situation" that i mentioned in the last chapter. it's nice to know that you guys care :) 

but don't worry about me, I'm honestly ok. it hasn't bothered me as much as it should've, but thank you guys, truly. 

love you babies <3

also this is really bad and  stupid and I'm sorry 


{ 1:07 am} 

y/n laid in bed, staring at the cream colored ceiling. she checked her phone every minute, telling herself that something would happen. someone would happen. but no. nothing. 

after 15 minutes of tossing and  turning, she had finally came to conclusion that she was not going to sleep tonight. so, she slid from under the white and yellow covers, and tip toed to her closet. changing into her slightly short jean skirt and a black crop top. after she slipped on her white converse she grabbed her jacket, quietly opening her window and slipping out into the night.


she loved to just take walks late at night. she always hoped for someone to join her, but she never thought of asking. as a gas station came in sight, she saw the sign 7/11. she was really craving a Slurpee at the moment. as she walked in, she noticed some kids with guitars draped from their backs. one had two drum sticks sticking out of his back pocket. and there was one with a red beanie. 

yeah, she knew who he was. although she never paid much attention to him, but when she did, she was absolutely fascinated. she liked to think of him as the indie-rock boy down the street that always had his friends over and would somewhat cause trouble, even if they meant no harm. which was true, they really didn't, but when the neighbors would complain because of their band practice, that usually wouldn't stop them.

she knew so much about him, yet she wondered if he knew anything about her. 

she tilted her head a bit, shaking the thoughts out of her head. she sighed, going over to the slurpee machine and pressing the handle for wild cherry. 

after, she put her cup on the register bar and began taking out her money. but before she could hand it to the cashier, finn slapped 6 dollars onto the bar, along with another wild cherry slurpee. "that'll be two please." he said. 

she looked at him with complete admiration. not just because of his looks, no, but because of his quirky actions. she found them adorable. 

after paying, he grabbed both the slurpees, walking outside, assuming she was following him. 

she was. 

"what exactly are you doing?" she asked with a slight chuckle. 

"do you like stargazing?" he asked, completely ignoring her question and handing her the slurpee. 

"i do." she smiled. 

he returned the smile before muttering a "good" and taking her hand in his own. they laughed as they ran to wherever he was taking her. 

they stopped in front of what seemed to be no one's house in particular. it was just there. "what are we doing here?" she asked, catching her breath. "come on." he said, grabbing her hand and helping her onto the ladder behind the house. "this is where i come to get my mind off of things. it's kind of like my happy place, y'know?" he explained. 

"wow, it's beautiful." she said, taking in the scenery, "you can see the world from here." she added. he smiled at her, setting down his slurpee. 

"so." she said "why'd you actually  want to bring me here." she said with a smirk. 

"wanted to get to know you." he answered. 


he nodded. 

she smiled at the though of him wondering about her.

"you like guitar?" he asked, still staring at the sky. 

"I'm not good, but i like hearing people." she said. 

he looked away from the stars, grabbing his guitar and positioning it to where he wanted. y/n turned her full attention towards him. he gently started strumming the guitar, but it wasn't one of his covers. it was his song. one that he genuinely wrote. 

she stared at him, once again, with complete admiration. 

he was so perfect in her eyes. 

he looked up, wanting to see her reaction.

"i-its not finished-" 

"it's amazing, finn." she said, honestly. 

and he didn't know what came over him, but he did something he had been wanting to do for the longest time. 

he pressed his soft lips against her, for only awhile before leaning back. 

and she didn't know what came over her either, she didn't think much of kissing or dating, but at that moment, she did. 

and she pressed her lips against his once again, their lips moving in sync. and as they pulled apart once again, they looked at each other this time, both with complete admiration. 

and they stayed there, the rest of the night, watching the stars fade and the sun come up, laughing and joking, and slowly falling in love. 


oi that was so long and bad ugh sorry 

- ang 

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