what they do for V day <3

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a/n: happy valentines day babes! i don't particularly like this holiday but whether you celebrate it or not i hope you all have a great day today!! 💗💕💞💘💖💗💕💘💞💖



- takes you to dinner

- buys you lots of chocolate 

- spends the entire day with you


- buys you a huge teddy bear (lmao if you know that vid ur gr8) 

- it's bigger than you 

- takes you to an amusement park (your choice)


-  surprises u with tickets to ur fave band's concert

- lots of chocolates

- lots of lil kisses 

Jack (we don't need to make a fuss ppl) -

- takes you to dinner

- takes you to see whatever movie u want

- even if he thinks the movie is stupid

- lots of candy 


- buys you a teddy bear 

- takes you to the beach 

- watch the sunset together 

Sophia (like i usually say, its a girl reader, sorry pls don't start shit) - 

- takes you shopping

- matching outfits bc yEs

- goes to see a chick flick 

- lots of crying bc yes 


- is super fucking romantic/fancy

- rose petals like, everywhere 

- dinner for two ;)

- jazz music in the back round ?? 

- i need this. 


- he buys you lots of chocolates and a bear

- you guys stay home and watch movies

- lots of cuddles 


a/n: kinda cute <3

- ang 

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