How you meet

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Read authors note at the end :)

- you were both at an audition for a certain movie (*cough* the book of Henry *cough*) and considering you both are such great actors, you got the parts in the movie.
- just so happens that you are each other's love interest in the movie and apparently in real life ;)

- you both were at a gaming convention (nerds...) and you were playing against each other.
- "I totally beat your ass oleff"
- "So not true"
- "Oh really? Wanna bet?"
- "nah, but I bet you can't kiss me-"
- 😘😘😘😘
- ;))))))))

- you both were at the mall with your separate friends.
- "that guy is totally checking you out y/n."
- "is not."
- he winks at you from a few tables in front of you. You blush and  smile at him. You two basically were just there, staring at each other, and smiling like idiots.
At that point, it felt like you two were the only ones in the mall.

- y'all were at a skatepark and you were showing off your sweet skating skills (Idek)
- everyone was clapping for you, but one person caught your eye. You shrugged it off, continuing to skate.
- and when you were going down a ramp, your skateboard slid, causing you to almost fall. That is, until someone caught you.
- "woah there, you should be more careful. Don't wanna mess up that pretty face of yours" he winked.
- you blush and thank him for basically saving your life.

a/n: yo, so I have a few things to stay. First of all, I'm so so so sorry for not updating in awhile, I've just been sort of busy and Sam is currently at church camp. But I wanted to update tonight bc I will be busy this weekend but I'll try to post as much as possible.
Second, do you guys want me to add Sophia, chosen, and Jeremy in the preferences? Thoughts?
And last, thank you all so much for the patience, support, and kindness. I love you guys sm.
Thank youuuu
-Angie 💕

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