Eddie (2017)

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This is for Jaeden_is_life I hope you enjoy it! ❤️

Normal POV
Shakiya walked near the barrens to see little Eddie sitting near the water.
"Hey Eddie Spaghetti!" Shakiya laughed
"Hey! ....and don't call me that!" Eddie responded
"So.. I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house! I mean you've never been and I think it would be fun." Shakiya asked
"Uhmmm... yeah sure!" Eddie accepted
The two of them walked a block down from the barrens. They stop in front of a remotely large house at the end of a long row of houses.
"Wow. Nice." Eddie said
She smiled and led him inside to her room.
"So what would you like to do?" Shakiya asked
"Uhm I don't know how about you pick I mean it is your house." Eddie added
"How about we play Two Truths and a lie! It's super fun!" Shakiya suggested with a smile on her face.
"Yeah. That'll be fun!" Eddie smiled looking at Shakiya
"So.. here are the choices. 1. I hate milk 2. I've never kissed anyone 3. I love snakes.. now pick which one you think is a lie!" Shakiya starts the game
"3..." Eddie guessed
"CORRECT!!" Shakiya yelled congratulating him playfully
"My turn... 1. I like you 2. Bill and I are best friends 3. I love dogs" Eddie said hoping she'd pick the right answer
"1?" Shakiya answered hoping she was wrong
"Correct!!" Eddie leaned in. "I don't like you I love you." Eddie whispered bringing there faces closer together. Eddie placed his lips on hers. Considering it was both of there first kisses it didn't last very long. Both pulled away wide eyed.
"Uh-I didn't mean to do that I was careless.. I'm so-" Eddie frantically apologized until he was cut off.
"No.. don't apologize.. I love you too." Shakiya whispered connecting there lips once again.
They pulled away blushing, matching the color of tomatoes.
"What does this make us?" Eddie asked
"I honestly don't know....." Shakiya replied looking down at her torn up shoes.
"Shakiya? Will you be my girlfriend?" Eddie asked. She looked up from her shoes and smiled.
"Of course I would you little loser." She responded smiling.
They hugged and stayed in each other's arms for a little longer.. but then Eddie went home so his mom didn't call the cops.
"Hmm.. this was an amazing day.. that I got to spend with an amazing boy.." Shakiya whispered to herself watching the boy she loved walk home.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this... I mean it was the first requested imagine I've ever written so I'm sorry if it's a little slow and kinda awkward. Requests are still open! I also apologize if we haven't gotten to your request yet. We have a lot of requests to take care of so... I think that we will get a lot more done though since there is two of us. Okay well.. Bye Lovelies ❤️

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