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You were packing your suitcase. You were turning eighteen tomorrow and the orphanage couldn't allow you stay any longer. Not that you really cared. It wasn't that you hated the people who raised you, you just wanted to do things. Being an orphan was already a set back. Orphans in your area usually attended school until they were eligible to work, reason being, when they leave the orphanage, they will have some money to support themselves.

You did the same, but to make up the lack of education, you read anything you could get your hands on. You saved up all your money so you could buy a train ticket. It was a ticket to go to the city of Mardin.

Mardin was considered the industrial capital of your country. You knew it was going to be expensive living there, so you made sure to make enough money to be able to survive. Living there was going to be tough but you knew you could manage.

You knew hardships. The orphanage on several occasions fell into hard times. There were days where you didn't eat for over a day. You also worked long hard hours to make money.

You finished packing and turned toward the door. Suitcase in hand you began to walk out of your room and proceeded down the stairs. You were stopped by an elderly woman. The head of the orphanage. Ms. Todd

A humble woman. She always tried to help each and every child in the orphanage. You gave her a lot of respect.

"Your going to need this in order to be able to live in Mardin." She says as she hands you a sack filled with coins.

"Ms. Todd I couldn't poss-"

"You will need it more than us." She smiles. You hug her and say your goodbyes. Before you make it to the door, you are stopped by a group of children younger than the age of 10.

"Are you really going away?" One of them asks. You crouch down so you are at eye level.

"I am." You say with a sad smile.

"Will come back?" Another says with tears threatining to come out. You wipe her tears.

"When I make enough money, I promise to come visit. Maybe by then, you children will be all grown up." The children give you a hug.

You soon break away and bid your final farewell and make your way to the train station. Your train was scheduled to come at midnight.

After a few hours, the clock in the station chimes that it is midnight. You see your train arriving. Before you get on, you whisper,

"Happy birthday to me."

Caught in the Act (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now