Ending 2

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The time with Inigo was peaceful but you were unhappy. You missed being yourself and you wanted to go back to Clemente. You and Inigo were in the parlor drinking tea when there is a knock on the door. After a few moments a maid comes in with Ryder and Kevin. Inigo gets up.

"Have them removed immediately." he says.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Ryder says holding a hand up. "Calm down. We are just here to talk."

"About what."

"Things that will have an affect on you two." You look at Inigo in hope of pleading with him to allow them to stay. Finally he relents. The four of you sit down in the parlor room. Ryder pulls out a folder. "Here are divorce papers. Kevin requests that Katrina comes back."

"You won't take her. Try and I will do what I promised to Katrina."

"You can't touch someone who is dead." Kevin says plainly.

"So she finally died." Inigo says with a smile. "Surgery though. Katrina is bound to have papers with her name on it."

"Which brings me to this." Ryder pulls out the surgery papers. "Kevin put F/n name on it instead of Katrina. There is no proof she was there." You see Inigo clench his fists. Ryder puts the paper on the table. Slowly you take the paper. Indeed you name was written on it.  You return the paper back to Ryder. You look at the divorce paper. You look at Kevin and he is holding a pen. You try grab it but Inigo grabs your hand.

"F/n. Please. Don't leave me." You gently remove his hand.

"I'm sorry Inigo but I am going to live my own life." Quickly you sign the divorce paper. "I won't accept this. I am not signing that paper."

"Don't have to." Kevin says. "You married Katrina. Not F/n. I will come back in a week with Ryder to get the divorce papers." Kevin gestures for you to get up and you do. The three of you leave a shocked Inigo. You give one last glance at him before walking out.

During the week, you stayed with Kevin. He didn't think it was safe for you to leave Mardin just yet. On the day Kevin and Ryder are suppose to get the papers an officer shows up.

"Is this the Albright residence?" The officer asks.

"Yes." Kevin replies calmly.

"I unfortunately must tell you that Inigo Moors had died." You were shocked. You ask.


The officer turns to you. "I am sorry Mrs. Moors. He shot himself. An autopsy proves it was self inflicted." He then pulls something out of his breast pocket. "This was addressed to his wife." You take the letter and the officer leaves. Slowly you open and read the letter.

Dear F/n,

When you read this I am already dead. I truly loved you and the fact you chose to leave me drove me to a feelings of sadness that I could not bear. I do know I am to blame for your departure. I am sorry I made you feel all kinds of unpleasant emotions but I know at one point you did love me. I hope you can forgive me. 

With Love,

Inigo Moors 

You were crying. You did indeed love Inigo. You still did but if you were to stay, that love would turn to deep resentment. It was already in that process. Kevin gave you a comforting hug. 

It was the day of the funeral. You and Kevin kept quiet about the divorce papers and everyone was giving you their condolences. You felt bad for Inigo's mother. She never understood why he would do such things. It was also during the funeral, you announced you would be leaving Mardin to live in the countryside in country you would not say.

After the funeral you went to Inigo's grave. You place flowers there. "You know Inigo. Had we met under different circumstances and fell in love, we might of had a happy ending. I love you and it hurts knowing you claimed your life because of my decision. But, I don't regret it. I am going to live my life as F/n L/n. I am going to finish up my studies and pay back those who helped me. Maybe one day, in the next life we will meet in more ideal circumstances. Not one where it led you to take psychotic measures but one where we both can move forward happily."

It was about a week after his death. Ryder and Kevin helped get a train ticket back to Clemente. Kevin once again gave you the money he owed you more as his way of apology. You also gave him your condolences for Katrina. You were at the train station.

"I am going to miss you F/n." Kevin says while hugging you.

"Back at ya." You reply. You turn to Ryder.

"I gonna miss ya kid." Ryder says with a smile.

"Same. If you two ever end up in Clemente, look me up." They nod and you hear the train whistle. You get on the train and wave two them until they are out of sight. You sit back down in your seat planning for you are going to do now that you got your life back.


Okay. I have finished this story. No other ends. Just this and the other. I hope you enjoyed this story and check my other ones if you are interested. Thank you.

Caught in the Act (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now