Chapter 8

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You and Inigo were in his car driving somewhere. He stayed rather quiet and you felt awkward. The silence became unbearable, so you decided to speak up.

"Where are we going today?"

"A walk in the town." he replies. Then the silence returns. After a good 20 minutes, you arrive at the more wealthier side of Mardin. The two of you did some window shopping. Well you did. Inigo just followed you while looked at items around the shops. Finally it was lunch and Inigo took you to a restaurant.

The prices shocked you. You ordered cheapest item claiming you that it was something you loved to eat. Your food came out and you both proceeded to eat. You thought you would be eating in silence, but it was Inigo who spoke up.

"You don't like spending money that often." he stated. You stopped eating and looked up at him.

"I beg your pardon?" you ask.

"When we were at the stores, you would look at the items with such happiness, but then you see the price and put away almost immediately. Same with your meal."

"Is that going to be a problem because if so I-"

"It's fine." You were surprised. Not because he was observant, but because he was smiling. "Mother sent me out to meet various women as prospective wives. Those women always used money for everything. You though are different."

"How so?"

"Because, most families never put up marriage requests to us because of how I am. You did and you are an Albright. Second, you don't seem to love money. Very rare for a person of high class." 

"Oh." You then switched the conversation to random things you heard. While talking you noticed some crumbs near his lips. Without thinking you wiped it off with a napkin. He stares at you wide eyed. You then realized what you had done. Being one of the older children of the orphanage, you usually help took care of the kids. You were about to say something when you noticed his cheeks turn red. The two of you did not speak after that.

On the ride home, you were looking at the scenery when Inigo asked you a question.

"Would you like to do this again?" You turn to him. You could see a bit of hope in his eyes. 

"Yes. I would love to." 

For several weeks you and Inigo went on many outings. There were days where you would join his family for meals and him doing the same. You got along well with the Moors and Inigo became more talkative around you. You found yourself getting closer and closer by the day. Soon it was the day before the wedding. 

You were writing in your journal about the date Inigo took you on when you realized something. Slowly, you diary entries have been getting longer and how much you enjoyed Inigo's company. You knew that Katrina was coming back soon and your heart felt pain. You knew why. You closed the diary deciding not write anymore. 

You were about to go to bed when you heard a knock.

"Enter." you said. The person who came in was Kevin.

"Hello F/n." he smiled. "I just wanted to check on you."


"Well tomorrow is the big day. For you and Katrina in a way I guess."

"Yep. Tomorrow I am getting married as Katrina. Very weird isn't it."

"Don't worry too much. Katrina is to be coming back in about a month. The surgery was a success." You could see the happiness in Kevin's eyes. You too felt happy as Katrina was okay. You also felt sad. You would no longer be needed when Katrina comes back. You felt tears threatening to come out but rubbed them away immediately. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to pretend to be Katrina. With new resolve, you get Kevin to leave by saying you were tired. When you went to lie down on the bed, you tried to prepare yourself for the next month. With that you went to sleep.

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