Chapter 19

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While you were with Inigo...

Ryder was walking through the hallways of the Albright mansion. He never really liked using doors and preferred to sneak up on people to scare them. At the moment, he was thinking of the conversation he had with you. It was quite clear to him that you wanted freedom but wanted to be with Inigo. Now he did mean what he said about supporting your decision but couldn't feel a bit worried. Inigo without doubt would take care of you, but it just felt off. Finally he made it to Kevin's room. He opened the door and saw Kevin looking at paperwork. Katrina is usually with him, but she must be in her bedroom doing whatever she is doing.

"So Mr. Albright," Ryder says as he walks up to Kevin. Kevin looks up. "I gave the envelope, she read it."

"What did she say?"

"She is confused."


"She likes Inigo." Kevin remains silent. He wasn't aware of this bit of information. 

"Find out her decision soon okay. Your dismissed." Ryder salutes Kevin and marches out. Kevin lets out a little laugh when he thinks he is gone. Ryder though is aware that he laughed. He did it because even though the situation they are in is serious, something that can make them laugh will make it seem like there some sort of hope in the end.

As for you...

You and Inigo had just finished dinner and was getting ready for bed. As you two were lying on the bed, he asks,

"F/n, it has been over a month and we have yet to actually consummate our relationship." You stiffen up when you hear that. Too be honest, you didn't really mind if you were going to but you felt rather scared as the situation you are in still weighed heavily on your mind. 

"Inigo. I understand how you feel but, right now is not a good time. I don't feel ready yet." You thought Inigo would try to convince you, but he only smiled at you.

"I understand. When you are ready then." You smile and go to sleep with Inigo hugging you gently.

As for Inigo...

He found the envelope. You were in the bathroom when he saw something protrude from the book. He was rather angry as he had figured out who was the one to actually give it to you. He was also angry because he couldn't hurt Ryder without inflicting damage on himself. He loved you and didn't want to let you go. How easy it would be for him to lock you up he thought, but if he did that, you might grow to hate him. So instead, he plans on gradually having you depend on him and him alone until finally F/n L/n is his alone.

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