Chapter 16

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You and Ryder were walking in the garden when you found a small pavilion and decided to sit down. You begin questioning Ryder about himself.

"So..." you begin. "How old are you?" 

"Thirty two." he replies.

"Oh damn, you are old."

"Hey I am only seven years older than your lover boy and four years older than your 'brother.'"

"...Your still pretty old."

"Maybe to you missy." You stare at each other and began laughing.

"Okay then, moving on to the next question. Favorite color."


"Favorite food."

"Whatever is edible."

"Had any lovers."

"Next question."

"Oh so you don't have any?"

"Hey!" He says pointing at you. "Respect your elders."

"I'm right aren't I?" The faint blush on his face confirms your answer.

"Final question."

"Aww. Why not more."

"Because any more than one, I am going to feel violated." he says as he hugs his body.

"Okay then. How did you get into your line of work?" There is silence between you. You can see Ryder loose the smile and become very serious. Figuring you hit a very touchy subject, you are about to tell he doesn't have to.

"I grew up in the slums of Mardin." he says looking at his hands. "Mom dead, dad trying to make enough so I could get something eat. When I was seventeen, my dad got hit by a tram and died instantaneously. I was alone at that point." Finally he turns to look at you. "Now being from the slums in this city, the only shot you got getting out of there is by giving 'favors' to the upper class and hope one of them looks at you fondly. Until I was twenty one, I gave them their fun. Every now and then, I would hear things and that would destroy their reputation.  Doing what I was doing and being what class I was, they didn't think much of me and didn't realize I was hearing these things."

"So you threaten them with the information."

"No. Words alone aren't enough to prove anything, so I worked my into the good side of woman who worked in a camera shop and got a very nice camera. While I was working, I would learn on information and whereabouts. I would simply follow, take pictures and sell them to their rivals. My god, was it entertaining see them get all antsy and scared wondering who did it and how they found out. Not once did they suspect me. After this point, I learned to sneak around a bit more, got my hands on more information and continued selling the details. After a while, I made enough to quit my job, learned how to read and write, continued selling information, until finally, instead of me going to big wigs, they come to me." 

You couldn't believe what you heard. "You went through so much."

"Eh. What happened, happened. If I can't change the past, might as well not dwell on it."

"Oh." The two of you then spend the rest of the day just talking about random things and soon Inigo was back. A maid told him you were in the gardens with a man. Immediately he began running in search of you. When he found you he saw you walking with Ryder, smiling and laughing. When you noticed him you tensed up. Ryder on the other hand, remained calm. 

When Inigo made it up to you, he grabbed your arm and pulled you to him. He whispered in your ear. "F/n, would you go to our room. I need to talk to Mr. Finis alone." When you turn to see his face, you get even more tense. He had the same expression as the one where he threatened Katrina and Kevin. You merely nod and walk away briskly. When you are out of sight, Inigo turns to Ryder. "Like I said to F/n, we need to talk."

Caught in the Act (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now