Chapter 1

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It was late in the morning when you arrived at Mardin. You didn't buy any food from the train and was feeling a bit hungry. You decided though, to try and find employment somewhere first. You the money you had will only last so long. Besides, you planned on using this opportunity to learn more about the city.

While looking for signs that said , "Will Hire" you noticed the people around you and was able to define what class they were in. People of the upper class, had more elegant clothes and if traveling, went usually in machines known as cars or had carriages. Middle class wore clothes much like yours; simple but much more durable. A few had carriages or even horses. Majority just walked or used trams to get to where they needed. As for the lower class, the people had clothes that were very dirty and well over used. They all stayed huddled in alley ways, which you assumed were where they lived. You made a mental note to stay away from those places. 

As you were walking, still looking for employment someone grabbed your arm. You turned around and saw very well dressed man. He had the black hair and brown eyes. He looked to be in his late twenties. You instantly knew he from the upper class. You were confused that he grabbed you, but he said afterwards confused you more.

"Katrina, if you wanted to go outside, you could of just told me. There was no need to go to such extents." he scolded.

"I beg your pardon, but who are you?" You did not know this man. The man looked at you confused as well. Then he smiled.

"Katrina stop with the jokes. I know being inside all the time is boring, but it is for your own health. But if you really want to go out, I'll take you next time okay. But for now let's go home." He proceeded to take your wrist and walked to car parked near by. Immediately you cut in.

"Excuse me sir," You say has you halted to a stop. "I don't know who this Katrina is, but I am not her. I am F/n L/n of Clemente. As you can see by my luggage, I have just arrived here. I also don't know who you are." The man then stared at you. Then his eyes widened and the hand that was grasping your hand, went to cover his mouth. You took this opportunity to leave but he called out,

"Wait!" You turn around. "I am sorry, but I mistook you for my younger sister. My name is Kevin Albright. I am the head of the Albright family and owner of  the Albright Railways."

"Okay." You replied. 

"I am wondering, since you said you just got here, are you by any chance looking for employment?"

"If I say I am?"

"I got a job that only you can do."

"What is the job?"

"Can you pretend to be my sister?"

Caught in the Act (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now