Chapter 11

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Inigo had reached the Albright manner. He got out of the car and dragged Katrina. She still tears falling. When he reached the door he banged on it until a servant opened it. With that he barged in and make his way to Kevin's room. 

When Inigo sees Kevin he throws Katrina in front of him. Kevin kneels down and puts comforting arms around his sister. Finally he looks up to Inigo.

"Are you crazy?! How could treat my sister this way. She is your wife."

"She is not my wife! She is not the woman I married!" He yells. "Where is she? The woman I married."

"Right in front of you."

"No she is not!"

"You married Katrina. If you are so sure that you didn't marry her, then who did you marry?" It jut occurred to Inigo, he never knew your real name. This fact made him angrier. The woman he loved was gone and he doesn't know where she went or who she was. He knew he would not get anything out of Kevin or Katrina.

"Fine then. I will find her myself. Until then this wretch stays with you." With that he storms out of the estate. Once gone, Kevin turns to look at his sister. He notices faint marks on her neck. He pulls her into a hug.

"I am so sorry Katrina. This shouldn't of happened." He then spends the rest of the night trying to offer comfort to his sister.

As for you...

You had found a job as a waitress at this small cafe in neighborhood that mainly harbored the middle class. You thought it would be very unlikely that Inigo would spot you here. So far it has been a month. There would be times where you would just think of Inigo and how you miss him. You still loved him but you knew he was to be with Katrina. 

During one of your shifts you hear the door ringing. You turn around to greet the customer.

"Hello welcome to-" You stopped. In front of you was Inigo. 

"F/n we need to talk." He says grabbing your arm. You were to shocked to protest. He figured out your name and where you worked. But if he found you that means he knows that you were an impostor.

After going into a quiet alleyway, Inigo stops and stares at you. You noticed how tired he looks and how is clothes looks to be in disarray.

"F/n. I finally found you." He pulls you into a hug. You return it. "I spent weeks searching for you. Now that I found you, I want you to come back. We can be happy again." You pull away gently. You wanted to say yes so bad. Finally you give an answer.

"Inigo, as much as I want to be with you we can't. You are legally married to Katrina."

"I can divorce her."

"No you can't. The Albrights were very nice to me. Besides, even if you do divorce, people will find it strange you married a girl who looks exactly the same."

"I love you because of how you are. I don't care what the world thinks. I can make you happy. I promise you I will."

"You can promise me all you want, but it won't change how I see the situation. We can't be together. I'm sorry." You could see the pain in his eyes. You tried very hard to suppress your tears. Finally he let go of you and walked away without saying a word.

You collapsed on to the ground and held your knees to your chest. You finally allowed yourself to cry. Being in Mardin was too painful for you. You had to go back home.

Caught in the Act (Male!Yandere x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now