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4 Months Later


It's been 4 months since I broke up with Damari and I miss him like crazy! I can't get over the fact that he lied to me for months! He also didn't have my back and I lost one of my babies! He is always texting me but I can't bring myself to ever text back.

Mari- Baby I Swear I'm Sorry I Miss You And I Wanna See You.

Mari💔- Can I Come Over At Least?

I feel really selfish, I mean these are his kids too! Even though I'm mad I still need him. I think I might just call him over and we can talk.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.


"Hey Mari. Its Tana. I wanna talk to you. Can you please come over Ravens house? She left and I don't know when she's coming back. You know this is my delivery week."

"Yeah, I'll be over there in a little bit."

"Alright, see you when you get here. Damari I love you!"

"I love you too man."

He hung up and I sighed. That didn't sound genuine, maybe he was mad at me or maybe he felt guilty. I really do love him. I forgave him a few months ago. Maybe we could be together again, maybe one day.

I walked downstairs to grab a snack because I was hungry but there was a loud knock at the door. I looked through the peephole and saw it was Mari.

"Hey Mari." I said letting him in the house, then I have him a hug.

"Wassup? Where everybody at?"

"I told you Raven left. I don't know when she's going to back. I told her not to leave because I was scared I would go into labor."

"Ion like the sound of that shit. If yo ass was still with me you wouldn't have to worry about that."

"Damari stop! You did wrong! You can't say sorry and expect everything to be fine. Shit I thought you loved me."

"Stop saying dumb shit bro. I ain come over here to argue with you. I do love yo ass, chill out."

I was about to say something but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then my water broke, making me fall to the floor.

"Baby what's wrong get up." He said helping me up.

"Mari! Baby! My water just broke! Get me to the hospital, they're coming!"


Shit shit shit.! I picked her and grabbed the baby bag, put her in the car and sped to the hospital.
On the way there she was screaming and holding on to my leg so tight I though she was gone break my shit.

"Aye I need a doctor. She's in labor bro."

A couple nurses pulled her out of my arms and sat her in the wheelchair and wheeled her to the back. I tried to go back with her but I couldn't.

"Sir you have to wait out here, we'll let you know when she's ready to deliver."


I went and sat down and called up Neil and them. I was really pissed off. Raven gone sit there and leave her knowing she pregnant.

30 minutes everybody showed up.

"Oh my goodness! I should have been there! Is she okay?" Raven asked

"Fuck that. Why would you leaver her knowing she 9 months pregnant with my kids! You said you was gone make sure she was ight. You goofy man!"

"I'm sorry Mari."

"I'm not trying to hear all that. What kind of friend are you bruh?"

"What kind of friend am I? What kind of boyfriend was you? You let another woman, your ex, Monroe disrespect her in her face and you ain't say nothing. Wait til she finds out! You a goofy! She lost the baby cause of you!" After she said that she slapped me.

"Oh no. Damari I'm sorry."


The doctor came and got me and told me that Santana was ready to deliver and I walked away with him. Here goes nothing.


"1....2....3.... PUSH!"






After a few hours of labor, our 2 beautiful babies are here.

Damari Michael Winters Jr. Born May 28th, 2017 12:33 A.M

Daya Marie Winters Born May 28th, 2017 12:34 A.M


Next Chapter Soon!!

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