19: Sequel

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"So you mean to tell me you left because......" She cut me off.

"Yes Mari. It hurts ya' know. I needed to cope."

I woke up from my dream sweatin' hard as fuck. I needed closure on why she left and lied. That note wasn't shit. I'm gonna get the closure I need, today.

I took a shower and through on some black sweatpants a white T and my black and white 11's.

I walked to the kitchen and got a buzz on my phone. It was from this chick Nicki I been messing with. She was just something to get my mind off Dior.

Its been 3 years. I just want to know why.

12:30 | From Nicki😑

       Wassup? How come you haven't returned my calls?

12:31 | From Nicki😑

Message me back damn.

12:31 | To Nicki😑

What you want Nicki?

12:31 | From Nicki😑

I miss you baby.

12:32 | To Nicki😑

I'm not yo baby. Stop calling me that.

After that I stopped receiving messages and I was glad too.

These three years been bad.

I grabbed my keys and walked to the door. I opened the door and my heart almost dropped.



"Bitch lets go damn! My back freaking hurts!" Honesty yelled at me.

Pregnancy mood swings are the worst. I remember being pregnant, I always had weird cravings. Like pickles with ice cream.

"Okay. Doris is waiting for us and I really need to talk to Damari." Lord knows that I am so nervous, maybe I shouldn't have left, or maybe not for so long.

She nodded and we got into a taxi and drive to Doris house.


"Oh my, Dior they've gotten so big." Doris said, "Wait a minute, have they eaten anything?"

"No, we haven ate since we left at 7."

"Oh hell no! Went to Miami and lost ya damn brain. Get in here."

"Doris, I'm fine. Feed them and then put them down for naps. I gotta go. Doris, please?"

She sighed

"Okay. Make sure you come back. Take my car. I hope everything goes well." She said smiling

"Bye Doris." I said walking out of the door. I hopped in the car and made my way to Mari's house. Honesty told me he still lives in the same house, so cute.


I pulled up to his house, I took a deep deep breath. Turn around. I thought to myself, but I can't. I didn't come this far just got nothing. I got out of the car and made my way to the door. I was so nervous. Well, here goes nothing.

I was about to knock on the door but it had been swung open. Our eyes met, which made my heart start racing. 

"Dior?" He said

I softly smiled, with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, hey. Can we talk? Please?"

He  just stared at me. Oh no! I shouldn't have came. What was I even thinking!

He sighed.

"Yeah, come in."

He moved out of the way so I can come in.

I made my way to the couch and sat down, he did the same.

It was silent for a good five minutes. I wonder what's in his mind, what's he thinking about.

Finally, he spoke up.

"Why?" He asked.

I sighed, "Damari, I cant tell you how sorry I am for leaving you. I thought that was the best thing for me to do after everything that happened. I thought leaving would make everything better but it only made it worse. But, if don't believe anything that's coming out of my mouth, please believe that I do love you."

He laughed.

"You love me? Nah, fuck that. How could you sit there and leave me like that? Then on top of that, write that bullshit ass letter. We supposed to raise our kids together! You should have been my wife by now. Then you been lying since the beginning."

"Mari, I do love you. I love you with all my heart. I'm sorry about lying and leaving. I didn't think about how it would affect you, I only thought about myself. Im so disgusted with myself. What if felt the same?"

"Disgusted? Why? You had o control over their actions. If I were even to have that thought in my head that wouldn't make me a man. I waited for you to wake up, I cried, I didn't protect my family and that's my number one job as your boyfriend and as a father. You've lost your mind Dior."

I was about to say something but then he cut me off.

"So, you mean to tell you you left because..." 

"Yes Mari, it hurts. I just needed to cope."

It got quiet.

"Where are my kids?"

"Um, they're at your moms house."

"My moms house?" He asked looking confused, "Why the hell are they there?"

"Y-your mom and Honesty knew about me being in Miami. That's why they are there. Because I knew they would safe."

He mugged me.

"Let's go. We'll finish this later."





follow me on Instagram: _theycallmestan

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